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Picture above- The room where Dakota talked to the counselor and counselor.

Rose's POV
I knew Da---Shadow would get mad if I called him Dakota, but I did not expect him to slam me against the wall with his hand wrapped around my neck.
"What are you doing?!" I strained to yell/ask him. But instead of answering me, he just tightened his grip, slightly, but dangerously. "Dako---Shadow!!!!" I almost forgot the reason I was in this position. But right when I thought I was gonna die, I realized the thing to say that would save me.
"IF YOU KILL ME, YOU WILL BE KILLED BY MY GANG!!!!" I yelled with the little air I had. But all he did was laugh and say, "Seriously? Your gang? I am the leader of both of the gangs, your gang listens to me, and only me. So I could tell them to kill you, but I would rather do it myself." I was now seeing what other gangs members see in him...Heartlessness...
He gave me the perfect idea. And this one will work. I mean...I have him wrapped around my finger...
"And guess what?" I said getting ready to do something, I would never let my kids do. "Ugh what?" He asked looking like he was ready to get me out of his hair. I took my foot and slid it up his leg, then said, "You listen to me, and only me." I gave an evil smirk, as I felt his hand loosen from around my throat.
I could tell Dakota was fighting it, but he had absolutely no control over some parts of his body. I did.
The second he let me go, I took my foot and kicked him so hard, I thought I seriously hurt him, but I just started running as fast as I could towards my car, which was about 3 blocks away, so it took awhile. But once I did get to my car, I hopped in, started it, and got the hell out of there.

Dakota's POV
I need to get ahold of myself. If I keep doing that, who knows what she'll do with that kind of power over me. I ended up going to the gang counceler. He's the teacher who trained me to never let a woman or anybody control you in anyway. "Mr. Myles?" I knocked on his office door. "Yeah come in Shadow." He has never called me Dakota, not even by accident, which is why he has my full respect. I walked in and just stood there staring at the floor.
"Uh oh, what happened?" He asked, noticing my body language. "I need you to help retrain my body to not let anyone else be in control except me."
He got out a pad of paper and motioned for me to sit on a couch against a wall. He sat down on a chair across from the couch and asked me questions about the feelings I have whenever Rose seduces me.

The bold lettering is Dakota's answers.

"So who is controlling your body?" "My new wife, Rose."
"And what does your body do when she isn't trying to seduce you?"
"She still is in control! She bends down and...yeah..."
"Oh. Do you like her?"
"Not just for sex?"
"Like you would not believe"
"Have you ever been close to hurting/killing her?"
"How many times?"
"A couple times"
"She's a sassy brat and she calls me by my real name"
"How did you correct her for those things when you weren't mad?"
"...huh...I don't, Because I don't feel like fighting"
"Correct her. When was the last time you wanted to kill her?"
"Just before I came here?"
"How did she get out of it?"
"I think you know..."
"I know how to help you. Didn't you used to have two girls you hooked up with?"
"Meet with them at least 3 times a week, it'll get rid of that sexual energy you have. Train your body not to notice her, just don't react to her unless you are yelling or hitting her for something."
"Okay that's a good idea"
"Meet with me again in a few weeks, or whenever you get to it."
"Thanks. Give your family a hug for me."
"I will"

*And I went home*

Enjoy! I have an amazing Christmas gift for all of you! More soon! Very soon!

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