First Few Days of the "Happy" Couple

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Left side:
Top- Dakota's engagement ring
Bottom- Rose's engagement ring

Their new bedroom

Right side:
Top- Dakota's pj's
Bottom- Rose's pj's

At their new house

Dakota's POV
When we got to "our" (my) first house together. I was so pissed that they chose the house without us even having a choice... And when Rose interrupted me I was going to strangle her, but then I realized, she probably just saved us from an hour long lecture from both of our Dad's.
"Thanks" I said with a chill expression, when I really wanted to hug her because I hate lectures so much...especially for my Dad!
"For what?" Rose asked looking clueless, but I know she just wanted me to be all sincere and all that crap. So I just said, "Nothing".
I walked out of the room before I lost my temper. I know it seems like I loose my temper really easily for little things, and I do. I want all respect from my wife and no sarcasm... My wife... It sounds so official...I like it...

*a few hours after they got settled*

Still Dakota's POV
*I am on the phone with a gang member about a gunshot heard in gang territory*

" we attack from the source...I know we don't know where it is but how about u do your job and figure it out?....mhm...great an---" "I'm bored." Rose came in interrupting me, but I ignored her and kept talking while giving her a go away look.
"Yeah I don't know what gang would come into our territory...well whatever...yeah it was good...shut up! Hahaha!" "Please, can we do something?!" She is about to die.
"Can you hold on a second?...okay I'll call you back in a few minu---" "DAKOTA PLEASE!!!" That's it.
"Call you back." I told the gang member emotionless and that's when things got ugly...
"WHAT THE HECK ROSE!?! DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU INTERRUPTING, DISRESPECTING ME, AND BEING A BRAT!!!! AND BY THE WAY!! YOU CALL ME SHADOW!!!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME DAKOTA!!!!" I yelled walking towards her while was she backing away from me slowly as she said calmly, yet annoyingly, "Well if we would actually go do something fun, maybe I wouldn't be so ready to take off your head, Dakota." By the time she finished saying this and I was ready to kill her, she backed herself into the wall...

Rose's POV
The rest of what Dakota was saying, I didn't really pay attention because I was busy trying to keep his hand away from anywhere he could suffocate me or hurt me...which is hard considering he goes to the gym a lot and he could kill me with his pinky. "I SHOULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!" Was the last thing he said.

There was a sudden painful silence and Dakota was just glaring at me, when out of nowhere he crashed our lips together and I was shocked, I just stood there confused.
He then started moving down to my neck, which gave me time to gather words together. "What the hell are you doing!!??"
Mumbling into my neck Dakota said, "I am tired of us fighting." I was wondering what he was talking about and I said the stupidest thing, "You. You fighting with me."

Dakota's POV

When she said that it completely turned me off, And I got my head out from between her shoulder and head then told her it was late and I was tired...

Later that night

"Night" Rose said quietly, I was still a little pissed from our early fight. "Yup".
About a half an hour later, her breathing started to slow down so I decided to move over and started to spoon her...which I was worried would wake her up, but it didn't, she just moved closer to me. Rose can be cute when she's sleeping, because she's not arguing with everything I say...

The next morning

Rose's POV
I woke up to something under me and I sort of started freaking out, until I lifted my head up slightly, and realized I was just sleeping half on the bed and half on Dakota. He looked perfectly comfortable with me laying on his back. I drifted back to sleep for a while and I woke up to him move us around to where I used his inner arm as a head rest and my hand on his stomach...which I could feel his 6-pack...
"Crap." I heard Dakota say under breath while he slowly got up, trying not to disturb me...sweet.
I didn't know why he was in a hurry.
"Huh?" I asked looking around with my eyes half closed acting like I just woke up. Dakota told me to go back to sleep, he had his first gang meeting and they were naming the new allianced gangs.
"What do you think we should name the new gang?" He asked putting on some black ripped skinny jeans not realizing I was awake enough to know he was in his batman boxers at the moment.
"Black Knights?" I liked that name. And I just came up with it.
"I like it actually. I'll see what I can do, see you at around 5, bye Rose"

I might've just named the new gang...

I know this chapter was stupid but the next one will be way better, I promise! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, it was my birthday and my family was over!!

Gangleader Love...?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora