Big Surprise!

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Dakota's POV
Ever since the day Rose gave me the biggest boner ever, I dream about her and wake up so turned on! And to top it off, I have to see her tonight at a meeting my dad and her dad set up so both of our gangs could talk about something, but I don't know what yet.

That Night

"Sir, we are here" My car driver (and family friend) Phil says unlocking the doors of my Range Rover limo. "Thanks Phil, see you at 11:30" I say getting out.
"Hey bro!" Kayne says walking up to me with booze in his hand already smelling of alcohol. "Hey man pace yourself, we have to be at least slightly sober for the meeting" I say chuckling. "YO!!!" Justin, Ryan, and Steven yell running up to me forcing me to brace for impact. "What the hell!!" I yell laughing. "Hey, where's LJ?" Asked Justin looking around. "Probably at a strip club." We all answer not looking surprised at all he wasn't here. "LJ is so desperate!" I say not even looking up from my glass of booze. "What the heck Shadow! You have two side chicks! And so do all of us so we're all desperate!!" Says Ryan with a smirk on his face.

The moment I saw her my heart skipped a beat and I immediately got a boner...again... She didn't see me yet and I took this time to examine her body to the full extent. Rose was wearing a sky blue sparkly cocktail dress and she wore her hair down (as usual) with a blue feather in her dark, shiny hair. Before I had time to look away, Rose glanced over at me with her deep brown eyes with her eyebrow raised, so to cover up the fact I was staring, I gave a mean look...I felt horrible. Instead of doing the same thing I did, she smirked a devious smirk and walked away with her group of friends, which left my eyes furrowed in confusion.

Rose's POV
When I walked into the gang meeting, I was wearing Hailey's dress I found in the back of her closet and she didn't notice, yet. "Hey, what's this meeting for?" Jozalin asked looking tired from last night's movie night. "I don't know, there are rumors G6 wants to become an alliance with All-American Killers. That's what I heard at least." I answered. Because my dad is still the leader for another 2 weeks, so he doesn't tell me everything yet. "Well whatever, I'm going to get drunk, no doubt about that." States, the one and only, Taylor.
I was about to comment on that until, in the corner of my eye, I felt somebody staring at me, so I look around and there was someone staring...Shadow...
When I saw him staring, I noticed he was wearing a dark black suit with a red tie and his hair messy, in a cute way, shut up Rose! He was just glaring at me, I felt weird until I saw he had a bulge in his lower extremities so I knew he was trying to throw me off, so I just smirked feeling manipulative, and walked away with my girls following closely behind me.
"What was that?" Taylor asked with a concerned expressions on her face. "Dako---Shadow was staring at me, its fine." I assured them. "Ohhhh..." They all said in unison glancing over at each other, smirking. "Shut up!" I whispered/yelled. "Did he want you to come over?" "What was he wearing?" Was all I heard from them. "Um well, no he glared at me, and a black suit with a red tie." I informed them.
*gasp* "he glared at you?!" Jozalin asked. "Relax. He was trying to act like he didn't have a boner...Even though his face couldn't hide it!" I said then we started laughing so hard we couldn't drink our drinks. "Wha--what did you d-do?" Hailey asked having a having a hard time breathing. "Smirked deviously and walked away." I said with another laugh attack.
"ATTENTION." Yelled my Dad, resulting in the whole room going so silent you could have heard a pin drop. "THE MEETING IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, SO GANG OFFICIALS, GO INTO THE CONFERENCE ROOM AND SIT IN THE SEAT WITH YOUR NAME CARD ON THE BACK." He then leaves and all the officials start filing into the conference room.
Walking in, it took me a few minutes to find my seat and when I did, there was a horrible surprise...
I was sat next to Shadow...
I was seriously thinking about changing seats with a guy near my friends. But I knew if I did I would get yelled at, and it was not worth it. "Wait, what?" Shadow looks surprised that I sat next to him. "Yup, I'm stuck here." I mumbled. He was about to say something else, but my dad cut him off. "I bet you are wondering why I called a gang meeting with members of the AAK, well I will tell you. So, as you know my daughter, Rose, is planning on taking my place as gang leader. Well, that has been cancelled---" "WHAT!?!" I yelled without even thinking that he would get pissed that I raised my voice at him in front of his colleagues. My dad glared at me for a second and then continued. "Now as I was saying" he continued as if he hadn't just gave me a mean look. "The AAK leader, Henry Tate and I have decided it would be safer for both of our gangs if we came together in alliance and the reason is because..." I just started to drift off to sleep...

"YOUR JOKING RIGHT!?! I'M NOT MARRYING THIS PRINCESS PUFF!!!" Was what I woke up to. "What the heck! Did you have to yell!?" I sort of yelled. "IF YOU WERE ACTUALLY AWAKE, YOU WOULD BE SCREAMING TOO!!!" Shadow could have been heard at a concert with 1,000,000,000 people screaming. "What's going on?" I asked, not really caring. "WE HAVE TO MARRY EACH OTHER SO OUR GAN---" "WHAT!?!??! I HOPE YOUR LYING!!!!!!" I yelled the same way he did. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!" My dad yelled louder than both of us combined. I sat down, still glaring at my dad, knowing he would be furious if I didn't sit down, but Shadow stayed standing and arguing. "I'M NOT MARRYING HER!! YOU CAN'T MAKE US!!!! SO YOU CAN SHOVE THAT UP YOUR---" "DAKOTA YOU BE QUIET AND SIT DOWN AND LET US EXPLAIN!!!" Was the first thing Henry said the whole night and, surprisingly, Shadow sat down without a word, after glaring at his dad first.
"NOW! This is not a decision up for arguing. So I will tell you the details for the next few months." My dad started talking and I looked over at Shadow but he was just looking at his phone texting someone, so I actually listened to my dad. "You will move in together in about 3 weeks and you will be able to pick a house within the price of 2 million dollars. Also, you both have to like the house. Rose you will hire a wedding planner or let your sister, Mary pick the planner" and the minute dad said this, my sister stood up and said "I'm picking the wedding planner so you be quiet girl!" With a smirk on her face, which made me smile and stick my tongue out at her. "Meanie." Was the last thing she said then sat down smirking. "And that will be all for today's meeting. There will be free drinks downstairs, so feel free to get as drunk as you want. Rose and Dakota, come into my office to talk about the rest of the rules of this arrangement in 10 minutes." Then my dad just walked away, along with Henry.

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