Brunch Part 1

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Left- Dakota's mentor
Right- Rose's dress

Rose's POV
After me and Dakota kissed, it was pretty weird for me. I couldn't believe what I did... Ever since the kiss, I was having trouble sleeping and I couldn't get Dakota out of my head. Ugh
"Um, Rose?" Dakota was looking at me funny because I was zoning out.
"Yeah?" I asked acting like nothing was wrong. I decided to call the waiter over and get a coffee, we were eating breakfast at a fancy place.
As I was putting sugar and cream in the coffee they brought over, Dakota said: "we should talk about when we kissed." And I practically spilled all my coffee all over the stupid pink dress Dakota made me wear, not that I would care.
I decided to try and keep it cool. "What about it?" He looked at me with an amused look on his face. "Oh, really? Then why is your face red?" I almost bashed his face in! "Its hot in here." I said not very convincingly. Dakota looked at me for a minute with an emotionless look with a hint of amusement. "Okaaay, whatever you say princess. Anyways, the reason I wanted you to look at least half decent is because we are meeting with some of my mentors." All I heard was princess...I kind of liked it. But if anyone else called me that, I would kill them.
"Why do I have to be here?" I asked, I was so bored.
"Its simple, they have to make sure me and you have adjusted to being married to each other. Also, you have to be a quiet, beautiful wife for them to like you. You have the beautiful part down, now all you have to nod your head sometimes, be polite, and be quiet even when you don't agree. If you are good today, I'll let you have a sleepover with your friends anytime you want. Deal?"
"Deal. Polite?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yup. And respectful." He said and stood up to shake a guys hand.
"Hello sir, how are you?" Dakota actually sounded like a gentleman. Woah. "Hello Dakota. Good. Who is this beautiful lady?" The man looked at me...and not appropriately...
I stood up and went to shake his hand, but he kissed it and I almost puked.
"Peter Quinten, this is my wife, Rose. Rose, this is Peter, my mentor." Dakota spoke up finally.

After we all sat down, the fun
"So, where is everyone else?" Peter asked looking over at Dakota and not at my body, finally. "Oh, they should be here soon. They got stuck in traffic." Dakota answered, and for some reason, Dakota was tightening his jaw like he was mad...So decided to help him relax...
I put my hand under the table, in his hand and looked at him with a slight smile, and he returned the smile.
"Ehhem... So how is the gangs finances and activity?" Peter asked looking awkwardly at me and Dakota. "Um...*clears throat* the finances are stable and we have been laying low for a while because our finances have not been good lately and they are just going back to normal." He said fiddling with his lip piercing afterward.

To be continued...

Sorry for the crazy changes in the story, I am thinking of fixing some of the chapters.
Comment and let me know of you want more or less of something.

Gangleader Love...?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang