Spooky Scary Vampire

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"What about a Disney movie?" Simon asked.

"We watched one last time," Baz replied, throwing the movie case to the side. "What about this?" He asked, pulling a disc out of the middle of their pile.

"Really? 'Saw'? Isn't this one scary or something?" Simon replied warily.

"Come on, you can handle scary," Baz said. Simon rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he sighed. "But only if you hold me," he added with a smirk.

"Deal," Baz smiled, getting up to put the DVD into the player. Simon made himself comfortable on their couch. Baz turned on the TV and walked back over with the remote in his hand. He sat behind Simon, wrapping his arms around Simon's chest. Simon was already pressed up against Baz when the title screen flashed.

"It hasn't even started yet," Baz said with a smile.

"Hush. It's part of the deal," Simon said, glaring at Baz. Baz rolled his eyes and started the movie.


For the record, Simon Snow is the worst person to watch a movie with. For every scene, event, new character, anything, he had a question.

"Who's that guy?" "Wait, where is the key?" "Is that what I think it is?"
By the time the final credits had rolled down the screen, Simon was the one holding Baz.

"That wasn't so bad," Simon said, his voice shaking a little. Baz didn't say anything. He was much taller than Simon, but at this moment, he didn't look like it. He was curled into a ball and pressed against Simon.

"Baz?" Simon asked. Said vampire looked up at Simon, and slowly uncurled.

"How are you not scared?" asked Baz quietly. He was shaking slightly, his arms wrapped around himself.

"I am," Simon replied. Baz rolled his eyes halfheartedly. Simon looked at the clock on the wall.

"Baz, it's almost midnight. We should head up to bed," he said, but Baz didn't move. "C'mon, we need to get some sleep," Simon continued, nudging Baz.

"Fine," he muttered. Simon stood up, and Baz was at his side immediately, grabbing for Simon's hand. The corners of Simon's mouth twitched. Together, they made their way to their bedroom. Baz dove under the covers right away, the blankets pulled up to his nose. This time, Simon couldn't help but smile.

"Don't patronize me," Baz grumbled, his voice muffled by the blanket. Simon bit his lip to stop himself from grinning any more. He crawled in beside Baz, who was pressed against Simon in an instant.

"G'night, Baz," Simon whispered.

"Night, Snow," Baz replied, his breath warm and soft on Simon's chest. Simon closed his eyes, banishing all thoughts from the movie, and drifted off to sleep.


"Simon. Simon, wake up." Simon blinked his eyes open, expecting sunlight to blind him. Instead, Baz's face did.

"Wha- what time is is?" Simon groaned, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark.

"Simon, I can't sleep, what if he's coming for us?" Baz whispered shakily.

"Baz, it's just a movie, a fake movie," Simon said, slowly waking up.

"I'm aware," Baz responded, sounding very unaware.

"How about we have some chocolate?" Simon suggested, sitting up.

"What? To help me sleep?" Baz asked quizzically.

"Chocolate helps with anything," Simon replied seriously. That won a smile from Baz. Simon climbed out of bed and walked over to their dresser. He opened one of the drawers and began shuffling through various kinds of chocolate bars.

"What are you feeling like tonight?" Simon asked. "I've got After 8, Galaxy, Toblerone, Mint Aero..."

"Holy fuck Snow, how much do you have in there?" Baz exclaimed.

"I would very much appreciate an answer to my question," Simon replied.

"You just did the exact same thing to me," Baz said flatly.

"Well, I asked first," Simon responded, smirking. Baz rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Mint Aero would be lovely," Baz said finally. Simon pulled out five large Mint Aero bars, closed the drawer, and walked back over to the bed.

"Those are fucking huge," Baz said as Simon sat down again. Simon wiggled his eyebrows in response.

"Wow. You are such a child," Baz said, laughing. Simon just shrugged, smiling, and unwrapped the first bar. He broke off a large piece and offered it to Baz.

"Ladies first," Simon said, struggling to keep a straight face.

"Oh, come off with that," Baz smirked, taking the chocolate anyway. He popped it in his mouth, chewing neatly with his hands by his sides. Simon could still remember when Baz used to chew with a hand over his mouth, but since they started living together, the habit had died. Simon helped himself to a bite of chocolate. Baz sat up at one point, and the two sat among a growing pile of wrappers.

"Can I have another piece?" asked Baz when the chocolate was almost gone. Simon smirked.

"Come and get it," he said, placing the chocolate on the tip of his tongue. Baz had his smiling lips on Simon's almost instantly. The taste of the quickly-melting chocolate coated both of their mouths. Simon's tongue wandered into the empty space between them, and then into Baz's mouth. The pair fell back gently, laying beside each other, never breaking contact. Simon kept bobbing his head up and down like he was slowly nodding, drinking in Baz. Drinking in the fact that he was kissing his worst enemy, that he'd done it, they'd done it. The two pulled away, the chocolaty aroma swirling in the air.

"Crowley," Baz whispered, running his hands through Simon's hair. Simon let his hands rest at Baz's waist, fingers tapping. They just looked at each other, and smiled.

"Thank you," Baz said, breaking the warm silence. "The chocolate was really nice, though I don't know how you aren't dead from sugar intake yet with the amount of chocolate you're hoarding."

"Wow," Simon said, giving Baz a playful shove. "Way to ruin the moment, Basilton."

"Love you too," Baz smirked, his eyes twinkling. He smuggled into Simon's chest. Simon wrapped his freckled arms around Baz, unable to stop grinning. They fell asleep in each other's company, and all mentions of serial killers and horror movies were forgotten for the time being.

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