Chapter 21: Andrew's Big Surprise

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       Andrew sat at his kitchen table, his broad masculine fingers pecking rapidly at the letters of the silver keyboard beneath his hands, his intense green eyes fixed on the laptop screen before him in fierce determination. The sound of Green Day's punk rock track, "Brainstew" filled the apartment. While a little voice in the back of his head was telling him this was a bad idea that would probably get him into trouble, and the guilt of ignoring Emma started to weigh heavily on his shoulders, he ignored that little voice and his feelings of guilt and typed, "Victor Bane" into Google's search engine, hitting the "enter" key. If it was the last thing he ever did, he was going to find some dirt on this prick that was hurting his girlfriend.

"As much fun as this is turning out to be, are you planning on pulling yourself away from that bloody computer some time tonight?"

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"As much fun as this is turning out to be, are you planning on pulling yourself away from that bloody computer some time tonight?"

"What?" He asked, barely glancing in Emma's direction as he reached for his bottle of beer.

Emma exhaled sharply. "Never mind."

"Sorry Em, I'm a little busy right now," he said, taking a sip from his beer and setting it back down beside him, his brows stitching in thought as he scrolled through the first page of results from Google.

"Clearly. Why did you bother inviting me over if you were going to be stuck on your computer the whole time?"

Andrew heaved a deep sigh. "I'm not going to be stuck on my computer all night. I just got some personal business I gotta take care of right now, okay? Just give me fifteen minutes." At the top of the search list was "Bane Entertainment," which he could only assume was the website of the asshole's porn studio. His own porn studio. A scoff escaped his lips. "Figures." His eyes narrowed considerably, his index finger hovering over the mouse pad as he debated whether or not to click on it. 

While he had an anti-virus program installed on his hard drive, the last thing he wanted was to be bombarded with pop-ups the minute he hit the page, or worse, a whole army of viruses that may cause more problems for his computer than he had the patience to deal with at the moment. Forgetting about the site for the moment, he continued down the page, scrutinizing the others. The prick had a Facebook account. Not only that, but he had also made more than a few headlines and internet articles. 

One such article caught his attention, the headline reading: "Bane Arrested For Second Sexual Assault." The article was posted on the LA Times website, dated a little over a year ago in the midst of April. The first thing that drew his attention, however, wasn't the date, but the picture attached to the article, the picture of Victor Bane. 


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