Love Story

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Love is one of lifes best gifts and punishments.

I feel the need to address 'Love' because its starting to envelope me in their arms.

There is always that one person who makes your heart flutter, makes you feel like its only him and you in the world and nothing else matters.

Cut the crap and lets take this lovey dovey drama down to the real world.

There are tons of stories on Wattpad with basically the same words/ plot for all Romance novels. there are some scenes, even like just kissing that are WAY to in depth for my innocent mind or this plot:

there is always the blonde evil girl and nice brown/black haired beauty and they re enemies. one is jealous. the brown haired gil eveentually comes out on top and there are some... in the middle

Dont you hate when you are out in public and people are together every way you turn? i know for a fact i am fairly couageous until it comes to love. I act like a mouse running with my hair on fire away from a cat.

The actual worst part of love besides rejection is knowing someone who is in love. the person starts telling you some important parts like age, personality and family and thats great because i actually really care for them.

Then you start getting detailed descriptions of what is happening that you want to hear at the same time you dont...

Second of all, it changes people. It literally flips people from their original personalities to a word i rather not utter, therefore type. i choose friends depending on their personalities... then they go and change on me! THEN i must pretend that i care so  very much. i can guarantee at least 90% of my friends have changed their whole persona.  If you realize, people like that could be reading this now and thinking about someone else who has stayed the same! or people who know their like this are hating and shaking their heads with a hidden meaning under their thoughts.

Third, once you fall, you immediatley hate anyone and everyone who spends time around or talks. Except for the guys.  Then your friends bug you about tellling them all these stupid details. It starts to build up and when you finally are ready to tell and make a horrible decision, something happens.  then it brings you back to point A and the cycle continues. When you get bugged and all these fake promises, you really do feel

Last but not least is when you kno for a fact that the feeling is mutal among both sides but your too scared to try anything. That happened once and then i had to move away too a new school. Heres a little story:

So like i said mutual feelings, scared people = regret

You went skiing together, lots of talking,  and you are basically really close. You even have visited each others houses! Then everything changes within a year and you cant help but still feel some love you once had.  We see each other and just give a nod and thats just sad....

Love  nerver dies, you cant help but still have feelings for your first.

the reason why its called your falling in love, its because you really are falling whether you catch yourself or get carried away is up to you.

Thanks for reading!

Please take what i say with a grain of salt!

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