"Thanks Max, drive safe"

"Good night kiddo"


I laid flat in my bed with my clattered thoughts. Lexi and I haven't talked since the semi- homophobic remark. Her words stung me and yes it kinda hurts. I mean she said it out loud that it's impossible to like me. Am I really that despicable that she'd choose to go out with a stranger than me?

I positioned my pillow over the head rest and I turned off my night lamp. I tried to get comfortable for me to sleep and that's when my phone buzzed. I wanted to ignore it and just doze off but something's telling me that it might be important. I got out of my bed lazily and walked to my drawer to get my phone. My eyes went wide seeing a text message from Lexi. I just wasn't expecting it to be her, like maybe it was Max or Isabelle or the girls from the hood, anyone except her. I opened the message and it read:

"Gab. I need to talk to you"

I put my phone down and switched my lamp on. I turned to look at the clock seeing that its 10 pm. Is this urgent? I did not take any more time and scurried downstairs. I locked my house down and crossed the street from my house to Lexi's. I was fumbling with my keys when I knocked at the front door. And after the 3rd knock, Lexi emerged wearing the sexy nightie I saw on her a couple weeks ago at the balcony. WOW. I fought the urge to roam my eyes to everything past her neck and I know Lexi noticed it. She stepped back allowing me to get inside then she locked the door behind.

"Let's go upstairs"

I felt my pulse quicken with each step I make. The way she said those felt so sexy with her raspy voice and mesmerizing blue eyes. I'm so glad I brushed my teeth before sleeping. Who knows right? Not that I don't brush my teeth before hitting the hay, well okay, yea there were nights. J

Lexi led me to a room I presume was hers, it was on the far end of the 2nd floor. She was walking in front of me and I was tailing in from behind. Damn it's hard not to notice her nice ass, not to mention her smooth skin, and her hair, God her hair, I want to smother myself with it.


Lexi's voice filled the room and I was pulled from my reverie.


She smiled weakly and opened the door to her room. Lexi's room was smaller than mine but it's still spacious. The walls were painted in pale pink and the curtains were oh cut the crap. The only thing I can see right now is her silky bed calling my name.

"Lights off or lights on?"

My mouth dropped. What in the world is this woman talking about? Is she implying that we have you know, sex? I mean, not that I'm complaining but I think it's all too soon and like we're not even together, but I can do hook up if she wants to, but Lexi is dif...


I blinked all the clatter in my thoughts away.

"Would you prefer lights off or lights on?"

"Lexi, w-what.."

She held my hand as we get inside her room, then she guided me at the foot of her bed.

"Wait Lexi, are we.. you know-.."

She moved closer to me, cutting the gap between us, as she rested her fingers on my face and a sweet smile escape from hers. My heart is beating so fast that Lexi can probably hear each thud. Is this really happening? Oh my freaking GOD! I thought she was straight?

"Gab, sleep with me"

My mouth dropped and I swear my insides were flipping, doing different stunts. SERIOUSLY?

"Lexi, I don't understand. I-I thought you were.. straight"

She gave me a confused look and after a few secs, her face lit up and she began laughing. I stood there dumbfounded.


"Gab, you're so funny! Did you think we're gonna go and have... sex?"

"I don't understand" I mumbled.

"I mean, I'd sleep with you like the literal meaning of it, not what you think you perv!"

I felt my cheeks burned as I turned to walk away. God I am so embarrassed. With all the raspy voice, the "lights off or lights on" remark not to mention the bomb "Gab sleep with me" in a very sexual manner. Is this woman fvcking with me?

"Gab wait"

Lexi grabbed my arm and I turned to face her.

"What? It's not funny Lexi, it's never fun to play with someone's feelings"

She moved closer and caressed my face.

"Gab I'm sorry, I was gonna ask you to stay for the night. Jeremy has been sending creepy text messages and its freaking me out. I just thought maybe you'd stay and sleep with me tonight."

"K. Right. Whew!"

I was relieved but still hot of embarrassment.

"You could've just told me right away. Damn Lexi you're making my insides go crazy"

She shoved me lightly causing me to stir. But how can I say no to her? How can I even refuse her when this is all I wanted and every cell in my body is screaming to be with her.


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