"MOM!" I shouted the moment I stepped into the kitchen.

"She's not here, sweetheart, but you can pretend she is... I can make one hell of a good mom, or so I've been told." my dad's voice said as he took a sip from his morning coffee, or tea, whatever that sipping noise came from.

I grinned wider if that was even possible "Dad!" I exclaimed in surprise, running towards him for a hug.

"I sometimes wonder if you ignore my jokes on purpose or that smile is the laugh for it?" he asked when I pulled back.

"Well, do you want the honest answer for that?"

"Nah, thank you for willing to give it to me, though" He waves me off and I laugh quietly.

"Do people really tell you how good of a mom you are?" I asked as an afterthought.

"Now that answer is only meant for the ears of people who do appreciate my jokes."

"Got you," I tell him. "So Aiden has a fever," I tell him reaching under the sink for the first aid kit I keep there. "And here's the thing. I don't think hell have anyone to take care of him if I sent him home." It was the truth. And I might have joked about it upstairs but I really didn't want to leave him alone.

"Are you asking me, if I would be willing to let you skip school today?"

I scrunched my face up sheepishly, "umm... yeah?"

"Of course, honey. Do that. What are friends for?"

"Seriously?" I asked, expecting more of a fight, honestly.

"Whatever you need, sweetie. Just don't tell your mom I agreed that quickly. Say you begged and cried and stumped your feet like a 3 years old, it was so pathetic."

I laughed loudly standing on the tip of my toes to place a kiss on his cheeks after feeling it first. "I Love you, daddy."

"I love you too, sweetie. Now go take care of your sick friend" he shooed me off smiling.

"Can you get me the Tylenol and Advil from here first?" I asked holding the aid kit.

He took it, and I heard him look for them, then felt him press two small cartoons in my hand. "Here you go, keep him hydrated and well-rested."

"Will do. Thank you, dad!" I said heading towards the stairs.

"And keep the door open, don't think I don't notice the looks you two share."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Umm... I'm pretty sure you just made that up, and you do know that no one will be home, right?" Not that we will do anything that requires a closed door.

"Oh honey, trust your old man on this, that young man up there does look at you in a not so friendly way, so could you just keep the damn door open so I would be rest easy." he pleaded in exacerbation.

"Okay, okay. Whatever keeps that strange boat of yours floating." I was almost at the stairs now.

"My boat isn't strange! It's beautiful and glittered and DIFFERENT."

I chuckle to myself as I climb the stairs, carefully one step at a time. That was easy.

"Hey, I'm back with medical goods!" I announced loudly the moment I entered the room.

But there was no answer.


I stopped for a second straining my ears for any movement when I heard it, coming from the bathroom. Someone heaving. In a toilet.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom, kneeling a little bit mear the place I felt he was kneeling in "Are you, okay?" I asked parting his back lightly.

Perks Of Being The Pervert's FriendWhere stories live. Discover now