"Keep it. To remember me okay?" I smiled and tried not to cry.

"Okay." She smiled.

"Let's go Lux." Harry snapped.

"Bye Emily! Love you! See you soon! I promise!" She waved, skipping out of the house.

"I wish." I mumbled as I waved.

Harry ignored my tears and walked out.

I leaned against the open doorframe and watched them walk to their house.

This was it.

The end of Lux. The end of Harry.

The end of everything.

*  *  *

(5 days later)

I picked up my phone as it rang.


"Hey Emily. Can I come over?" Liam asked.

"Yeah sure." I nodded.

"Great. Open the door."

I wanted to laugh at how Liam was already here, but I couldn't find the strength to.

I hung up and went to open the door.

"Hey." I smiled.

"We need to talk." He said, walking in and sitting on the couch.

"Please sit down." I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously Emily. What you did to Harry was-" "Hey! He dumped me!" I retorted.

"You were about to!"

"No I wasn't!" I hissed.

"What?" He looked confused.

I sat down.

"I wanted to break up with him. Between X-Factor and then that night at the club, I couldn't handle it. Then I realized, I can't lose someone I'm in love with. So I decided to just be honest and tell him how scared I am. But he broke up with me." I hugged my knees.

Liam was in shock.

"But Harry said-" "Harry never let me talk! He just ranted and broke up with me! Maybe it's for the best."

"Really? Because you've been crying."

I rolled my eyes and put my head on my arms.

"You guys leave in the morning don't you?" I whispered.

"Yeah." He said quietly.

"Can I see the boys before you leave?" I asked.

"Course. Our moms are coming to see us off tomorrow around 8. If you want to come. Terminal." He nodded.

I nodded.

I probably shouldn't go though.

*  *  *

I stood at the terminal in the back, watching as the boy's moms gave them hugs and their dad's gave words of encouragement.

Kids were everywhere too.

"Boo." Leeroy came up to me.

"Hey. Good luck." I smiled slightly.

"Thanks." He smiled.

I looked over at Harry once again, impatiently waiting for his plane to be called for boarding.

Every time they would call out a flight that wasn't his, he'd groan.

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