Chapter 22

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After the discovery that Chaz was dead, we sat in silence. No one dared to speak. It was as if we were saying our graces to the heavens to grieve.

When the silence was finally broken, we all looked around at each other. The remaining gang members. It was as if we were studying each other, trying to remember the littlest features of the others in case they were suddenly ripped away from us.

Jason's phone rang and we all jumped. He glanced down at it quickly, and left the room to answer it.

Ryan broke the silence. "So you and McCann huh?" I glance over at him to see Bethany, and Davis also looking at me in interest. "Uh, yea. I guess you can say that." I look down at my fingers.

Bethany gets up and walks towards me, sitting on my bed next to me. She grabs my hand. "Anna... What were you and Jason even doing in his hometown? He wont tell us anything..." I glance over to the window. I can see Jason pacing while talking into his phone.

"It's my hometown too. Jason and I grew up together. We used to be best friends before we got separated due to our own personal reasons. We went back to share them with each other. It's kind of like that show, Pretty Little Liars. The more you share secrets, the closer you become. Jason and I shared our deepest and darkest secrets that day. It brought us closer. It also became too much for me," I paused, glancing at the window again. "I ran out of the house, and into the street without looking where I was going. By the time I heard Jason yelling for me it was too late and that... T-the c-car had already hit me... I couldn't m-move... I f-felt so numb. I thought I was surely going to d-die... I kept regaining consciousness and then I'd go unconscious again. I... I co-could hear the p-pain and p-panic in Jason's voice."

Suddenly arms wrap around me and I'm surprised to feel the whole gang- Minus Jason- hugging me. I laugh softly, and wipe at some of the tears that had fallen on my face. I hear the door open, and see Jason walk through looking stressed, he stops short though, seeing everyone wrapped around me.

"Um... Why is everyone hugging my girlfriend, and why is she laughing and crying at the same time?" He questions confused. Everyone pulls away from me, and glances at Jason, before we all burst into laughter.

"Just come lay with me" I demand softly, grabbing his arm, and pulling him to the bed as the other gang members return to their original seats. Jason sits next to me, mumbling a "I still don't get why you were crying and laughing."

I roll my eyes at him playfully and kiss his cheek as he lays beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Who was that on the phone?" Ryan asks. "Oh... It was the leader of the Besanter region." (A/n: totally made up place. And he's talking about another leader that runs a small Amnesia Gang in another region, kinda like branches of the original gang, aka, Jason's. Okay, back to the story).

"Oh... Jackson Markez?" Davis speaks up. Jason nods, "Yea. He's had his gang do some spy work for us. We found out who has Anna's mother." At this my head shoots up, causing me to head-butt Jason.

I groan and hold my forehead as Jason flexes his jaw, trying to regain feeling in it. I almost fall to the ground, but Ryan grabs me with his quick reflexes. "Fuck... You have a hard head" I hear Jason mutter. I stare at him, before we all burst out laughing.

"So who has my mom?" I questioned. We all get quiet and look to Jason for the answer. He sighs. "I can't say." I glare at him. "Why not? Its MY mother Jason. Spit it out." Jason shakes his head. "Why do you want to keep hurting?" I roll my eyes at him. "I don't. I just want my damn mother, I'm sure you understand that" After the words leave my mouth, I immediately regret them. I watch as he tenses up, and his eyes turn cold.

Kidnapped {Jason McCann} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now