Chapter 2

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I wake up with a pounding in my head. It feels like a have taken a brick to the head. I groan and sit up, coughing harshly as I move. I look around, noticing im in a basement. There's only one window, but it's very small, only about the size of a book. On the opposite side of me is a door... a metal steel door. God what is this, prison? I get to my feet slowly, limping to the door. I bang on it repeatedly, "HELP!" I scream. Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs. I jump back from the door as it springs open. A guy stands there.

He seems about my age. His dirty blonde hair hangs down over his forehead, his mud brown eyes stare into mine. "Who are you?" I say loudly. He doesn't answer, so I repeat my question but louder. "I could ask you that, considering you're in my house, in my basement... but I already know why you're here" he says in a calm, husky voice. "...and why's that?" I glare at him. "Because I wanted you. Now I have you." Realization struck within me. "So you're who Chandler is afraid of" I say harshly. The mystery man chuckles. "Good that he is. You should be too. I didn't get to #1 most wanted or #1 gang leader selling popsicles." He scoffs.

Realization clicks as I take in what he said. Jason McCann. I've seen him on the news. He's known for making illegal bombs, and making illegal ammo. He's killed people as well, but he's not as known for that.

I back away from him slightly, but his trained eyes caught it. He frowns before smirking, walking towards me. "You should be afraid. Very afraid." He whispers in my ear. I shudder, stepping away from him. He smiles. "It's time you meet the gang." I gulp noticeable and follow him from the basement. He leads me to what appears to be a dining room. Four boys and two girls crowd around the table. They all look up at me when we enter the room. "Everyone this is Annabel... Annabel this is my gang. There's the guys, Ryan, Chaz, and Davis. The girls are Bethany and Stacy."

Ryan, Chaz and Davis all have spiked brown hair. The girls are polar opposites. Bethany has brown hair and seems to be dating Davis. Stacy has blonde hair, and seems to be dating Chaz, but the glare on Jason's hand on my wrist tells me different. I look away, and take my wrist from Jason's grip. I stand there awkwardly as the gang stares at me.

"Dang she's hotter than in the pi-..." Chaz is cut off by a warning glare from Jason. I glance up at Jason curiously, but he just shrugs it off. Stacy scoffs, "Yea, if a female dog were cute" Jason goes to warn her, but I cut him off by lunging at her. Jason holds me back.

"At least female dogs are liked... baboons... not so much" I yell. A bunch of gasps circle the table as she gapes at me furiously. "This nose job cost me $50,000!" she shrieks. "Too bad they don't have something to help you not be ugly on the inside." I smile brightly, almost sadistically

. At this point I see the gang trying not to laugh at my remarks, even Jason. "I- You- Baby, you're letting her talk to me like this?! She's nothing but a prisoner!" she yells to Jason. I turn to Jason for his reaction.

"Okay, one, I'm not, nor will ever be your 'baby' so don't call me that. Two, she means more than you do, so if you disrespect her again, you'll be thrown on your ass with a broken nose job. Might I add, that I paid for with my money out of the very little kindness I have for you. Now shut your mouth before I let her shut it for you." Jason motions to me. Im no longer trying to pounce on her, but I perk up slightly when I hear this. Jason looks down at me with adoration in his eyes. Okay... weird. I glance around and decide... I might just like it here...

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