Chapter 12

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"Wait... you're letting me go see Chandler and Isiah alone?" I question disbelievingly. "Well... yes. I mean... Zac will be there, and I've had some minor rules set up but other than that it's alone" I stare at Jason in shock. "...Why?" I ask skeptically. "I realized that if I keep you smothered up with me all the time you'll want to leave faster so the more space you get, the more you'll open up to me im hoping." I roll my eyes. "What about Chandler though? How am I gonna see him alone?" Jason shifts uncomfortably. "You'll be in a public place of course. Other than that it's totally alone." I just nod and focus on the history reading. Somehow Jason managed to be in all of my classes. He just told me- during U.S. History- that I was allowed to see Chandler, Isiah, and leave the house regularly. They're adding my finger prints to the elaborate security system so I can leave whenever. As long as I return.

"I already talked to Chandler. You're going to hang out tonight with him. He'll be waiting at his car for you after school. Tomorrow you're going to see the kid." He whispers. I just nod, ignoring him. While writing down an answer to the reading assessment, I fell Jason put something in my lap. I look down and see... my phone... I look up at him. "So you can call if you need anything. I just put time on it this morning... I installed my number as well as all the others in the ga-." Jason is cut off.

"Mr. Simmons (his alias is Mason Simmons) and Mrs. Adams (idk if I gave Anna a last name yet or not Soooo this is her last name now) would you like to tell the class what you have been discussing during reading study time?" Coach asks. "Yes. We were talking about fucking on top of your car during lunch". I glare over at Jason.

"No we weren't. He was asking about #4 on the assessment. He was confused whether we were supposed to go into full on detail or just summarize it." I lie. "I want just a simple summary. Detention by the way Mr. Simmons." Coach says nonchalantly.

"I mean... it doesn't mean im going to show up. I'd rather get OSS then spend an hour of my time with you after school." Coach moves uncomfortably in his desk chair. "Then I will write you up so you can go to the office and explain to the principles about your attitude." I decide to step in.

"Coach he doesn't mean it. He'll be there for detention." I say firmly. The teacher looks over at me. "Why are you speaking for him?" I open my mouth to say something when Jason cuts me off.

"My best friend can say what she wants. Anyone who has a problem with it can take it up with me. Now if you'll all stop staring at me, I have class work to do. So I can sleep in detention." Jason says. I smile at him slightly. He knew there would be chaos if people knew Jason and I had a "thing". Especially when Bentley just went missing.

I don't know what Jason and I are doing. I thought I wanted revenge for Bentley, but I can't help but kind of like Jason too... yes I admit it, I like Jason. Im in over my head though, I already agreed with Chandler to bring Jason down. If I turn on Chandler now it'd mean a clash of gang wars. If I turn on Jason, I'd lose his trust and potential future. I can't tell Chandler I'm backing out from the plan... but maybe if I tell Jason, he'll be able to change it. I don't even know. Jason would be pissed I not only lied to him but planned his destruction. I'd lose his trust and potential future anyway. I turn to Jason. "Jase... I need to talk to you. You'll be mad at me"

(a/n: Sorry it's so short. this Chapter is more of a filler and Anna finally admits she likes Jason. next Chapter has lots of drama so vote and comment.

I wanna try something new. every chapter im going to give you a QOTD (question of the day) and so you can comment what you think.

QOTD: How do you think Jason will react? Will he walk out on Anna or forgive her?)

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