Chapter 15

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"What for?" Jason asks confused. "To show you my broken home." I lead him by the hand out of the house and down the street. Silence between us settles, but it's a comfortable silence.

Within minutes, we're ate the door of the old house. The shutters were rotted heavily, and the garage window still broken, along with the patio window. The house looks empty, void of all life. I glance at Jason quickly, before opening the door. I take in a deep breathe at all the memories. All the holes in the walls are still there. I walk into the house slowly, Jason behind me. I stop, looking around the house.

It's like I can picture it. My old life here. With him. I can see where the furniture was, where the abuse happened. I can feel my anxiety shoot higher with each breath. I struggle to keep my calm. "You don't have to do this... we can wait until you're ready to show me the house..." Jason panics at my expression. I shake my head, leading him to my old bedroom. It's bare for the most part. Though I can still picture the bunk bed and the old dressers. As well as the heaping clothes bin of dirty clothes that used to be in here. I walk over to where the broken bunk bed used to be. "Um... this was where the bunk bed was. I shared this room with my sister. I remember her and I used to take turns on the top bunk because my dad would get drunk and mad and pull us down to the ground by our hair. I remember when my dad told me my sister moved out. He just came in and said, 'your sister isn't coming back'... then I was truly alone." I look away and then where a shoe rack used to be. "We had so many books. We didn't get to watch TV much... so we read. A lot. I could read three hundred page books in a couple hours." I look away from the spot.

I pull Jason into the bathroom. "Help my remove this mirror?" I ask, motioning to the extra mirror. Jason does as told and removes it easily. Behind the mirror lays a gaping hole in the wall. "That's where my dad threw my brother into the wall during a beating one night. He covered it up so no one would notice..." I glance up at Jason, who seems to be studying my face. I smile at him slightly before going back to the living room.

"You can still see blood stains everywhere if you look close enough." I point at a small hole in the wall. "That's where my dad hit a wall when he found out we were getting foreclosed on..." I turn and point at the wall next to the kitchen doorway. A gaping hole lays there, "That's where my dad threw my brother into the wall on another one of our beatings. My brother honestly almost died that night... and I though my sister and I were gonna die too that night." I turn to the ceiling, pointing at the tiny holes in it. "That's where my dad shot his bb gun when he got mad." I turn to look at the kitchen. "There's not much in the kitchen, just the basement and back yard now..." I take his hand and lead him down into the basement. "My brother left through, that window. His room is down here..." I lead him to another part of the basement. This still has the furniture how I remember it. The bed is flipped of the box spring, sheets ripped and torn all over the dirty floor. The bed was torn, as if cut down the middle, the dresser draws were pulled out and smashed, the contents of the dresser scattered up and down the room. The old bar in the corner of the room was taken to by a hammer. The workout machine that was in front of it was tipped over.

I can feel myself breaking down as I fall to my knees. I look at the room. "m- My dad did this after he discovered my brother gone... my dad was an alcoholic, drug addict, drug seller. He was skitsophrenic, bipolar. He abused me and my sibling's every day. Nothing we did was right. If there was even a speck of dirt on the floor when he got home he beat us. We couldn't eat, because it'd wake him up from his precious sleep." I laugh bitterly, tears run down my face.

Jason sits next to me as I continue. "He hated my brother the most. My brother got beat the most. He stuck up for me and took all the blame for me when he could so I got beat less. My sister was my father's favorite. They had a weird bond. She'd try and help my brother and she'd get hit and then five minutes later he's asking her if she wanted to watch TV with him. After my brother left, and then my sister... he got meaner yet nicer. He beat me at night, telling me it was my fault they were gone. During the day he'd leave on Netflix for me to watch when I got done with my chores." I wipe my tears and laugh quietly. "He had good moments. He was a beautiful person underneath all that. He was supposed to take medicine for bipolar and schizophrenia, but he just didn't get them. He'd drink to the point he doesn't remember drinking then blamed us for stealing his beer." I get up and walk over to the torn bed, picking it up.

"What are you doing?" Jason asks confused. I turn to him. "I want to clean up a bit..." I trail off. Jason doesn't say anything, just starts helping me lift the mattress. After working for a bit in silence, Jason breaks it. "Will you... will you go into detail about some of the beatings?" I look up at him and nod. "Um... well there was different types. Sometimes, he'd get on kicks where he gave us each a different night. He spent our night interrogating us, and if he didn't like the answer, he'd hit us. There was boot camp where he'd make us do push-ups, sit ups, crutches, mountain climbers, herpes and stuff like that. There was the beatings for not cleaning properly, which he made us re-clean. We each had different rooms to clean. My sister the kitchen, my brother the living room, me the bathroom. As you could see both the bathroom and kitchen have a clear view of the living room." I stop talking and look around the room. We cleaned nearly all of it in the short time I talked. I see something in the corner of the room, and pick it up confused. There lays my father's skull shaped ring he always wore. I feel my hands shake as I gaze at it. "J- Jase!" I yell. I feel him rush towards me. "Baby girl? What's wrong?" I hand him the ring with shaking fingers. "Get it away from me, please. I don't care what you do with it, I want it gone." Jason gazes down at the ring before looking up at me. "Who's ring is this, Anna?" I grab my hair before glancing at him. "My father's" I answer. "Anna... this is the Grazing Knives symbol. You see the red glowing eyes of the skull? That's their gang symbol." I look at him confused. "So what does that mean?" "It means your dad is a part of Maise's gang." I stare at him in shock. Oh god. I shouldn't have come here.

I look around before rushing out of the basement. I trip up the stairs to the main floor, yanking the front door open. I ignore Jason's yells for me to stop as I continue running. I don't look where im going as I run into the street. I hear a faint "Anna look out!" before everything goes black.

(A/n: okay heres chapter 15! I cried writing this because this is actually my real home and stuff that happened with my real father.


QOTD: what do you think happened to anna? why did she run away?

vote and comment. I wont update until I get one of each!)

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