Chapter 28

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(song is I love U, I hate U, by gnash)

After making love to Jason, we just laid in each other's arms. "Are you okay? I tried to be gentle. I'm not used to virgins." He jokes. I laugh, "I'm fine. Just a little sore." I sit up and throw my shorts on along with Jason's shirt.

I grab Jason's hand as he finishes putting on some gray sweatpants. We walk down the stairs, where everyone turns to us expectantly. I blush as Ryan and Davis make mock moaning noises. I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen to make a small snack. Bethany joins me, and Davis went outside somewhere. When we get done eating we walk back to where the boys are, stopping short as we hear their conversation. We stop just behind the corner so we're hidden.

Ryan and Jason stand facing each other. They're whispering heatedly back and forth.

"....You need to tell her man" Ryan reasons. "How am I supposed to tell her? Oh before I found you again, I fell in love with another girl?" My eyes widen, as does Bethany's. "Or the fact that the girl you fell for is Maise Gabini's sister who is set on winning you back!" Ryan reprimands before continuing. "You know deep down you still care for her; and even if you don't, you hiding it from her seems suspicious. She's gonna find out!"

Jason glares at him. "You don't know anything Ryan. So stay out of my way."

Suddenly, Bethany pushes me out from behind the corner, causing me to stumble into the living room. She follows quickly. "Maybe he does know something. You should listen to him..." I trail off, before rushing out the door. All I have to protect my feet is a pair of Bethany's flip flops I took from the porch.

I don't stop running until I reach an old abandoned park a ways from the house. It's secluded. Not many people come here.

I glance around and go sit on a swing. I swing gently back and forth as I let my mind take over.

He still loves her.

The thought hits me suddenly. It's like no matter what, he keeps testing me. He loves her, but he "loves" me. I'll never be her. I'll never live in her shoes. I'm just the rebound.

Then there's me, no matter what he does, I still but him above everyone. I love him so much, but in this moment I can't help but hate him. All he's done is caused me pain.

The swing next to me squeaks. When I look over, I gasp in surprise to see Maise Gabini smirking at me. "You really shouldn't be out here all alone..." he tsks. "You! You did this! You killed my mom!" I yell.

"Ah ah ah! Tone, Missy. You'll put some respect with my name you brat! What happened to your mother was an accident! We couldn't have a pregnant chick running around screaming bloody murder! She had to die!" Maise yells.

"What about Chaz huh?" I prod angrily. "He came into our territory threatening us for running you down. We shot him down. He deserved it. I said tone."

With that he slaps me, sending me to the ground. "Pity you chose McCann. We would have treated you real nice," Maise whispers. He Yanks my head up by my hair and places a cloth over my mouth and nose.

I immediately know what it is, as it's what Jason used to kidnap me. I refuse to take a breathe, until Maise stamps down hard on my right leg. I scream, taking a deep breathe as I hear a crack. Then, I give into the blackness.

(Jason's POV)

I sigh as I search the woods for her. She has to be in here somewhere! Why didn't she just let me explain! I don't love, nor do I even care for Maisie's sister, Cassidy. I used to love her, yes; but that means nothing to me now.

"Jason, the park!" Bethany shouts. I rush over to the small park. There, in front of the swings, lays Anna's necklace locket. She never takes it off. Laying beside it is a small disposable computer. Maise's face pops up.

There's a video, it shows Anna's and his conversation before he chloroforms her. I see the pain in her eyes as he stomps on her leg, breaking it. After Anna lays unconscious, he picks up the camera.

"Jason! As you see, we have your precious Annabel! You 24 hours for you and your gang to find us so we can end this once and for all. Fail to do so, and Anna here, dies. The choice is yours. Oh and a little hint, The past is where you'll find it. Good luck!"

The gang and I look at each other, as I mutter, "I know where they are."

(Okay so there's the chapter! I'm so happy and sad to announce there's only going to be two chapters left of Napped! Next chapter is the big battle scene. then after that is the epilogue! Thank you for over 200 reads! Ily all! Word count: 866)

Kidnapped {Jason McCann} (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें