Chapter 16

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(Jason's POV)

Anna lays motionless in the road. Her body crumpled in an unusual way, the driver speeds off, leaving Anna there. I rush to her, checking her pulse. It's faint but steady. I look around and scramble for my phone, panicking when I don't find it. "Looking for this?" a voice asks. I get up and turn to the voice. "What the hell do you want?" I snap. "Nothing... I just saw your girl here get hit by that speeding car. Too bad Stacy wasn't driving faster." I roll my eyes. "Shut it, Gabini. Leave her out of this." I motion to Anna as Maise smirks. "Ah, the lovely Annabel. Pity she got hurt. She's a beauty too." I panic as I see another person come to Maise's side. "Nicklaus Darks. I killed you." I grit my teeth in anger as more people appear by Maise. Markus Black, Miya Carter and Jasper Hart. I glare at the old gang members.

"Apparently not." Nicklaus smirks. I killed all of them. "You should really check for bullet proof vests next time, idiot." Miya snarls. I roll my eyes at her. "You're just mad because I wouldn't screw you, slut" Nicklaus glares at me. "Don't talk about her like that"

I laugh as I come to realization. "Oh man. You and-!" I cut myself off laughing.

"Look, we have her mother. Which means we have the advantage. So do as we say or her mother pays the price. If that won't motivate you, perhaps something else can be arranged" Maise says, eying Anna's crumpled form. I step in front of her, breaking Maise's gaze. "Don't you dare touch her" I growl. I turn and bend over to Anna, my back to the Grazing Knives gang. I brush her hair softly away from her face. "What do you want, Maise?" Maise laughs, but the sound is cold. I wince. "I want you to quit the gang business. I want you to suddenly fall from the grid. The Amnesia Gang will be no more. You have a two weeks to make it happen. If not, Anna's mother dies, Kenny will be more than happy to do it." I tense up at the mention of Anna's father.

"Oh, and if you fail to do so, you watch your back McCann. If you fail, im coming for you and Anna. So take the easy way out and go off the grid. We'll be in touch." With that, the rival gang walks away. I look around and see Anna's phone on the ground. I grab it, calling an ambulance. I then call Ryan. "Man, we have a problem..."

(Time Skip)

"Man you need to take a break." Ryan warns me. It's now three days since the accident, and three days since the doctor told me that Anna is in critical condition. Three days since I've been working over-time to take my gang off the grid. "Don't tell me what to do" I snap back at him. "I'm not telling you... look. Your girl will make it. You don't need to ruin everything we've worked to earn." I glance at him, taking account the hidden strain in his voice. "I can't. Anna almost got killed. I'd rather have her love than a bunch of money." I feel the anger rising in me. Not at Ryan, but at them. The grazing knives. They ruined everything.

I was getting Anna to finally trust me. I was getting my girl to finally care for me and open up to me. That's all I've wanted for a long time. Yet, they took it away from me. I go to grab a revolver to get rid of it when Ryan's voice stops me in my tracks. "She wouldn't want this. For you to give up. She'd want revenge." I turn to him with a pained expression. "Don't you think I want that? Of course I do, but it's not worth her safety! Her own damn dad is in the Graving knives and from what she told me, he's not someone to be messed with."

"Are we even sure he is? Wouldn't he have been with them when you were threatened?" I place the gun on the table. "Not if they were keeping him as a secret weapon... wait... what if..." I rush and grab my car keys. "Chandler is working with an unknown gang too. If they combine with Grazing Knives we're screwed." With that I leave Ryan behind and go and confront Chandler.

Kidnapped {Jason McCann} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now