He laughed and shook his head. We walked to the track and started at the lines that's for starting. Jordan and I got in a sprinting position as Emma and Meghan began counting to 3. The coach walked up to us and we both stood up. "Gracie you should atleast give Jordan a ten second head start." He stated.
I glanced at Jordan and snickered, while he just playfully glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same. "I don't need a ten second head start." He said.
"You're right."
He looked at me shocked, "I am?"
I nodded, "yeah, you probably need a twenty second head start." I stated then shrugged.
"Wha-I do not!"
I giggled and got back in my stance.
As they got to three I bolted. I felt the wind whip my ponytail back and forth. I was always a fast runner. My dad was a runner ever since he was a kid so naturally he got me into it too. I was ahead of Jordan by three feet. I could hear his panting and his feet pounding against the track. I looked back, damn he's even hot looking when he's jogging. I was actually surprised I got this far ahead of him. Since he's 6 feet tall and I'm 5 foot seven, but hey, I'm not complaining. I giggled and looked forward again. I pushed myself harder and now there was an eight foot distance between us. I kept pushing and pushing. Just when I was about to reach the line I felt someone grab my waist and pull me to their chest. I gasped and looked back, it was Jordan. I was about to say something, but then Jordan started tickling me. My giggles turned into laughs. I was laughing so hard that tears were coming out and I couldn't breathe.
"Say it!"
He continued tickling me, "Jor-Jordan I c-can't br-breathe!" I said between laughs.
He chuckled, "All you have to do is say it." He said as though it was the most simplest thing in the world.Which to me it wasn't, it really made me feel weak when he would do things like this to make me say it. Sometimes he'll wrestle with me, chase me, tickle me and always try to get me to say it. Most of the time I don't.
"W-well the-then you're go-gonna wait a w-while!"
"You're so stubborn."
He went back to tickling me, with my body moving in odd positions. I finally turned around so I was facing him and grabbed both of his wrists. I smirked. He was shocked at first, but took this as a challenge. I raised an eyebrow. He got out of my hold then he bent down and grabbed my feet. I lost my balance and my butt hit the ground. "Ouch! Dammit Jordan!"
He laughed and grabbed my ankles then lifted me so I was hanging upside down.
"Say it my lady." He commanded.
"Nope." I said while shaking my head and popping the p.
He sighed dramatically, "well then my lady, I guess I'll have to think of something else," he paused for dramatic effect.

"I could hang you by your shoelaces, still upside down I might add on the basketball hoop, or I could walk around the whole school with me holding you like this."
I scoffed, "you wouldn't dare."
I looked up at him the best I could and he had a mischievous glint in his eye along with a smirk. He started walking towards the school with him still holding me upside down as if I weigh nothing, which by the way is 145 pounds.
He got to the front doors and opened them, I saw Damien, one of my biggest crushes ever talking to his other friends. His back is turned to me. Jordan is friends with all of them and he knows that I have a huge crush on Damien. That butthead.

I started to panic, "Ok! Ok! I'll say it! Just take me back outside!" I whisper yelled.

He shook his head, "nope, you're going to be saying it right here, and i'd hurry because I'm sure the rest of his buddies are going to notice you and tell you're prince charming Damien."

I sighed out of frustration, "alright... alright..." I paused and breathed in deeply then out slowly, "Jordan I am jealous of you're beauty and talent, you're perfect. Oh how I long to be more like you..."

He smiled and nodded in approval. He turned around and walked back outside.
"Are you gonna put me down? I'm starting to get a headache."

He didn't answer.

"Jordan! You butt monkey! Did you hear me?"

He looked down at me with an eyebrow raised, "butt monkey?"

"Yes, it suits you well," I paused then smirked, "butt monkey."

"Alright back inside the gym it is."
"No! No! I'm sorry, just please put me down. I'm going to die from irritation and from too much blood going to my head."


He put me down slowly on the grass. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

I raised an eyebrow and stood up abruptly. Big mistake, I started getting dizzy and I grabbed my head while groaning. "Hey, hey you ok?"
"Yes because being upside down for five minutes didn't mess with me at all."
He chuckled and I glared daggers at him. "And learnt my lesson? I'm not some dog, and if you ever say that to your future wife I will personally beat you."
He laughed, "who knows, maybe you'll be my future wife." He said while wiggling his eyebrows.
I blushed and shoved his shoulder playfully, "you're such a butt monkey."
I looked up at his face slowly and saw him smirking. I started running away from him making a zigzag pattern so he couldn't catch me. I reached Emma and Meghan and stood behind them.
"Help me! The butt monkey is trying to get me!" I yelled.
Emma and Meghan bursted out laughing. Jordan tried to grab me, but I moved so now I was in front of Emma and Meghan and he was behind. Then he attempted to get me again and now  I was behind then with him in front. He huffed in frustration and moved his hair back with his tan muscular hands. The coach whistled meaning for us to go back inside the gymnasium. Jordan looked at the coach then back to me, then pointed his finger, "this isn't over my lady." He bowed then stood up and walked away.

After an awesome game of floor hockey, which by the way I kicked ass at. Jordan was a team captain as was I. Everybody went to the locker rooms to get changed out of their gym clothes.
I was the last to walk in when someone grabbed me roughly by the shirt and slammed me up against the wall. My breath was taken away and I was trying desperately to gasp for air. When I finally was able to breathe again I focused my eyes to who the asswhole who did was. Surprise, surprise it was Michael.

"You listen, and you listen good!"
I went to punch him, but he grabbed my fist and then slammed my arm into the wall. I winced, then he grabbed both my wrists and kept me in place. I started to squirm to get out of his grip, but he pressed his body up against mine. "You WILL stay away from Jordan! You WILL do as you're told."
( I know that's not Gracie in the picture, but pretend it is)

(This is him pushing her up against the wall and telling her what to do)

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(This is him pushing her up against the wall and telling her what to do)

I spit in his face, "nobody, and I mean NOBODY, tells ME what the fuck to do! Especially not some dickhead like you!"

He closed his eyes and took in deep breaths trying to control his anger. He grabbed my chin roughly, "This dickhead, IS going to tell YOU what to do! If you ever are with him again, I'll punish you."
"Go the fuck ahead."
He smirked and brought his face close to mine. His minty breath fanned across my face, "I plan on it." He let me go and looked me up and down then bit his lip.
"What the fuck does that mean."
His eyes shot up to mine and he smirked.

He brought his thumb up and traced my lip,

He brought his thumb up and traced my lip,

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

"you'll see soon baby girl."
With that he left me in the hall astounded and frightened.

The Stalker #wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora