The handed me the paper to read.

Maeson look out for Zalia for me, she means alot to me. Don't be a wimp anymore, be the big brother ,of six minutes, to Madison when guys try to walk all over her and use her for her body and looks.

I remember when we met and she punch my jaw from being a wimp when she saw that my sister was abused by her boyfriend back then.

Drake's point of view

Maeson passed me the paper to read.

Drake, stop being so scared and flippen ask Madison out for Pete's sake. We all know you like her. You were a player let her be your first proper girlfriend. Show here you care. Also try out for varsity football, I have seen you play, you have boss dope skills. She I was using your slang. Lol.

She is such a weirdo but she is right i need to ask Madison out , I may be a player but it is because for the three years that I have known her I was to chicken to talk to her.

Braydon's point of view

Drake passed me the note. He seemed almost in tears just like everybody who read it already.

Braydon,you were my guardian Angel and guess what now I am yours, I am protecting you from death that Kevin and my mom can bring you and the others.

That's my goddess.

Hunter's point of view

I was so shocked about the news of Artimes. Braydonpassed me the note and I read...

Hunter, I give you custody of McKenna and remember to tell her how much I love her every single night and day. You were my first love, but it didn't work out. Hope you find someone else that is way better for you.

Is she really letting me look after McKenna? Best and worst day of my life. I didn't tell anyone but I found someone better than Sophie. Not better than Artimes , but she is still almost as amazing.

Vincent's point of view

Hunter looked the happiest out of everybody. I wonder why?

Vincent, were do I start to say that I love you, but during these last few days I realise that was the love that I have for a brother. Sorry Vincey, but your my beast friend.

That stings.

Julias' point of view

I have to admit I was sad that Artimes left and I was always so mean with her. I was handed the paper and I was shocked. She wrote something to me?

Julias, I know you despised me, but I also know you loved me, it was there and you can't deny it. Hope you actually make a move on Nora, I will come and kill you if you hurt her. Love you.

I miss her, I love her even more since she gave me her blessing to ask Nora out. Technically.

Nora's point of view

I was almost in tears. Julias gave me the paper and hugged my side looking away from the paper.

Nora, I know we finally found each other but I am doing this to protect you. Stay confident and don't let life pull you down. I have a piece of advice, make sure your protection is strong. Lol.

She was such a slut. But I love her to bits.

Miranda's point of view

My baby is gone.

Miranda, thank you so much for looking after me and the others I appreciate it big time, you rock. Your were my protection and I loved you so much. Hope you and Lance are happy together. Kisses.

Danicellia's point of view

Codie and Danicellia, don't fight, I love you. I found your biological family. On my desk there is a paper with your oldest brothers number give it a call. Kisses.

I miss her.

Jayce's point of view

Everybody looked like they could cry up a tsunami.

Jayce all I have to say is that if I could I would love to have been your girlfriend because I am deeply in love with you. I know that the world is a sea and there are plenty fish, I hope you find someone better than me

But I only want you Artimes Zayn Vestor/Baggins.

"I love you all


Artimes" I finished and I felt tears fall out my eyes.

Glendale's bad boy just cried for a girl. What has she done?


Boring chapter, I know, but it was a start to some troubles and secrets.

Like Kristen's guy.


Love you all.

Kiss kiss.

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