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Okay so this part might be short because this is part is the play.

Please enjoy this Chapter.

If I had titles for books this would be 'You can't sit with us unless you have a glass slipper.'

This chapter is in dialogue and thoughts

Dialogue : underlined.

Thoughts : bent.

Song: Strong by Whoever for the Cinderella movie theme song.


Today is the play day and now we are infront of our class.

I played Ella
Alaska plays Katy
Naomi plays Regina
Jayce plays Charles
Hunter plays Gretch (mix of Gretchen and Karen)

It all starts with me in a hallway, extremely shy which I am definitely not.

Ella: excuse me my name is Ella and I'm new and I was wondering if-

Regina: (walking past on phone) I don't care.

Well can you look at that the Botch can play a bitch.

Ella: ok sorry. Um excuse me, I'm new and I was wondering if you could show me where the English classroom is?

Katy: oh sure! I was also just on my way to English so just follow me. I'm Katy and you?

Should I say a Birch and get a few laughs.

Ella: I'm Ella. I just moved here from Jersey and blah blah blah...

We walk off the stage aka the front of the class.

We quickly moved chairs for the next scene, we just pretended that it was a class.

Ella: hey who's that?

Katy: oh him? Charles Samuels, considered by some the most attractive male being in this school. Personally I find him too much of a pretty-boy.

Was she talking about Jayce or Charles. Either way I don't see a difference between them.

Ella: he's perfect! I mean those eyes and that gorgeous smile!

Please tell me that i am just acting so well. I believe myself.

Katy: don't get too obsessed, Regina has already claimed him. They're not dating officially but she's planning on "nabbing" him at the summer end dance this weekend.

In my head Regina is the term for every girl in my way from dating Jayce. I just got deep and I didn't mean it.

Ella: nabbing?

Katy: Well excuse me for being formal. I never knew it was illegal.

Ella: so I don't even stand a chance?

Katy: well maybe with a makeover and little bit of a hell of a lot of luck?

Why is her character so accurate to her?

I put on my thinking face and tapped my jaw.

Ella: you know what? Let's do it!

We casually walk off stage and then Naomi and Hunter stand infront.

Gretch: and then she totally told that new girl that with a pathetic little makeover she could get Charles! Like what even?

Oh my word , I never knew I had a gay friend. You go Glen coco. Lol he is definetly not gay.

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