9. A Night of Dilemma

Start from the beginning

This is it, my death is in front of me...

Fear made me shut my eyes and body still, but the constant raving of my mind was still unaffected by it.

No, don't be a coward, face your death...

You are brave, be a brave midnight meal for the wild mysterious creature.....

Face your death, Eye to eye...

The moment I opened my eyes, my world stand still. The creature was standing on some distance from me skeptically, shooting glares at me, of course not liking an intruder in it's place.

The moments were passing with me staring at that creature with fear and it was glaring at me like silently scolding me for being an unwanted guest in his land at this time.

What would happen in a short walk at night, it's a short walk. Right?

Now, face the consequences of negligence in the form of death. Jerry, I wish I had heard you.

My heart forgot to beat, my lungs forgot how to breath in its piercing gaze.

Then it came closer, once it was standing still while looking down at me with it's blazing brown fireballs, straight into my eyes. Whereas I forgot how to breath, his warm breath were hitting my face sending chills in my spine with fear.

Standing there numb, I didn't knew what to do? How to do? But more than that I was to tired to do anything, too tired to run and not so stupid to run, I know it'll outrun me if I try to. My breathing was calm now and tears were flowing. The blood was pouring out from the cuts and wounds but the pain was not there, maybe because my body was too shocked to feel anything.

Surprisingly, the throbbing pain in my chest was gone, with the first site of this majestic creature.

My heart came to my mouth when it started to saunter again toward my direction. Frightened I started to step back but the enormous tree was blocking me, so I aimlessly made efforts to enter inside the tree praying with some miracle, I could hide inside its trunk to save my life.

But with my luck or his luck, all efforts went vain. Sighing I stopped trying. Let's face it.

Slowing and very slowly, it made it's way to me. his steps were measured and confident, like he didn't wanted to scare me.

What a gentle animal....

Once he was standing on a safe distance, not intruding my private space. All time his eyes were on me, perceiving my every move. Then he took a long sniff and closed his eyes for a brief moment. When it opened them again, they were dark chocolate brown with a shade of pitch black.

From glowing brown to blackish brown.....


My breath caught in my lungs and eyes became saucers. How can it be possible, it's a wild animal in the woods not some beast from beauty and the beast fairy tale. I gawk at him like a zombie. I opened my mouth but my vocal cords were already fainted with it's one look.

It kept staring at me like I'm some christmas gift wrapped for him.

A foreign meat treat as christmas gift....

Baffled I cocked my head to the side on which it too mimicked my actions and cocked his head, flapping his ears. I was left awestruck looking at him, this creature looked so majestic, wild and lethal yet so innocent and innocuous.

We both were looking at each other with different emotions, mine were fear and awe and his were a mystery, yet very intense. I never had thought to experience any emotions from a wild animal. The staring continued until some annoying fly invited itself on my nose to cause me to sneeze.

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