~Chapter Forty-Three~

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After what felt like awhile, we soon arrived at what appeared to be like an abandoned warehouse - like some sort of old factory. The walls were a wreck, spray paint and inappropriate drawings covering it. The building wasn't too big, the windows were evidentially smashed, but were boarded up with wood. An eerie atmosphere loomed engulfed the surroundings, whilst silence loitered. Harry had parked our vehicle, prior to noticing how no other members of the force had arrived yet. A look of confusion swiped across his features, his eyebrows narrowing downwards.

"The hell is everybody?" He questions, looking out of the car window then at the top mirror. "This can't be right," he muttered to himself, whilst unbuckling his belt. "Are you sure you've got the right place? Perhaps they're just stuck in traffic." I said, trying to be reassuring. "Kat, we're officers. We don't get stuck in traffic, doofus. You forgetting the loud sirens and blue flashing lights we have?"

"Oh, yeah, didn't quite think of that."

"Why am I with you again? It's like talking to a brick wall with you sometimes," he chuckled lightly, shaking his head. He sent me a grin before getting out of the car.
"Because you love me, duh." I replied, returning the grin as I got out also.

"That's debatable." He stuck his tongue out and leant on the car, then diverted his attention back to the area; trying to see where everyone else was. "Bitch, please." I cooed, shooting him a playful glare. We remained in our positions as we waited a few more minutes, but still, nothing or nobody. "Are you sure you got the correct place?"

"I'm positive. This was the last whereabouts for both Wes and Drew on their signals, plus Chief even said." Harry said, a deflated sigh falling from his lips. "Fuck it, let's just go in." And with that, he propped himself from the car and began walking forwards to what seemed like the entrance.

"Yeah, bu- Harry! No, shouldn't we wait?!" I called after him. He didn't bother even looking back at me, simply carried on walking. "If they're in there, suffering, they need our help. Kat, Drew's my best mate and Wes, well... as much as I hate the fucker, I can't let this sick bastard of a killer take more lives. I'm going in with or without you, or the force."

I huffed, knowing that he was right. As usual. We could finally bust this cold-hearted, messed up soul and throw them behind bars for good. "I hate it when you're right." I mumbled, quickening my pace to catch up to him. A smug smile soon grew on his lips as he noticed me beside him. His large hand gripped onto the door handle, pushing it downwards but the door refused to budge. He cursed in frustration, before trying again. Still, no movement. He turned to his side, before barging into the opening in an attempt to loosen it - with no luck. Whilst he was messing with the entrance, I took a step back to analyse the building to see if there were any more possible entrances. Each window was boarded up with wood, besides one that was just a little higher, which also looked a lot smaller. Surely I could get through there, or it's worth a try at least.

"Harry, I'll climb through that window, make way through come down to the entrance door and let you in." I informed, my voice raised slightly so he could he hear what I was saying, causing him to turn around quickly.

"The hell you're not." He said firmly, crossing his arms. "I'll do it."

"You won't even fit through the gap. I'm doing it."

He stepped back and looked towards the only available window, reluctantly nodding. "Good point." He sighed. "Just... just be careful, alright? Keep your radio on at all times and I'll be right outside here, till you let me in. Hopefully the force will be here soon too." He added, a look of worry on his face before he pressed a soft kiss onto my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'll literally be two minutes if that." I told him, a smile on my face. "Now, lift me up already."

He returned the small smile and picked me up carefully by my waist, lifting me up to the ledge of window. "Actually, hold me so my back is facing upwards. It'll be easier to go in feet first." Harry nodded and tilted me back, allowing my feet to glide through the gap. He slowly pushed my frame, finally letting me go and enabling me to get through.

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