~Chapter Twenty-Seven~

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Harry's P.O.V

If I wasn't even guilty, then why the hell am I back in this cage?

Through everything that has happened and everything that was evidence was searched and searched, still. No one found any clues or suspects. Not even the voices that were in the recording were able to be understood. It sounded like Wesley's voice and Sarah's footsteps, but yet no one believed me about that either.

I sat down on the ground, not the rock-hard bed, and just thought. I've been thinking for the past... Who knows how long? There's no clock in this cell or anywhere in the prison section. I stand up as Katie's figure appears in front of the lock.

"What are you doing down here? You know Chief told you not to come down, bab- Katie," I quickly correct myself and clear my throat. Awkward...

Katie looks at me and a small blush appears on her cheeks, "Don't worry about what he said, H. I don't care what he says. You shouldn't even be in here, still," she claims and frowns lightly. I look at her and sigh, shrugging my shoulders lightly.

"I don't know what else to do. I could pay the bail, but there goes my house and all of my money," I admit and bite on my bottom lip lightly. Katie looks at the ground and brings her hands to the front of her body. I look down at the ground as well, but then here the click of the lock unlock. I look up and see that I wasn't locked in anymore.

"What?" I ask and step forward, not being too sure. Who knows, it could be just a trick...

Katie laughs and steps backward, stepping to the side and motioning for me to come out. "You're free, H. Chief blew the case off of you. He still didn't put you back on the force, but you can get another job, like this one till he decides if he wants you back on the force or not. You're more than welcome to come to the building still and help me out with this case, but you aren't gonna be getting paid for it," she explains.

I look at Katie, taking in everything she just explained. Before I know it, a huge smile makes its way to my face and I pull her into a hug. I burry my face into her hair and wrap my arms lightly around her. She swings her arms up over my shoulders and hooks them around my neck. We stay in the embrace for a good few seconds, until I pull back from the hug and look down at her.

"Thank you, so much, Kat. You have no idea how happy you just made me," I chuckle and rub the back of my neck with my hand. She smiles her bright smile to me and her eyes twinkle. Her eyes are enchanting.

I look away from her eyes and walk with her up the steps of the prison. We make it to the top and Drew is standing there, a small smile on his face. I look over and see Hanna, she waves softly and I nod my head at her.

I follow Katie into Chief's office and take a sit in front of his desk. I rest my hands in my lap and Kat stands behind me, holding her hands together. I play with my thumbs and Chief turns around his chair and places his hands on the desk.

"Well as you can tell, we've decided to drop the case off of you and drop you as a suspect, seeing that you weren't even in your home at the time the paper was found with blood on it. Along with that footage, we've found that your fingerprints are infact, not the ones on the body bag. We have yet to figure who's they are, but we all know how long that is going to take. I am expecting you to hold my trust and earn your way back onto the force. It will take time before I make my decision, but from here on out till then; your duty is to earn your spot back. Yes, you are still allowed to carry the police weapons and such on you, yes you will still be able to wear the uniform. I am not expecting you to really wear it out and about, but hey, go for it. Your job as of right now though? Your job is to help crack this case. Yours and Katie's job together? Is to head over to Wolverhampton and scout out these three people," Chief pauses and pulls pictures of what looked to be a family out of a folder. Katie and I look over the photos and I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"These three people are friends to the man we had found shot and almost dead. Your jobs are to learn more about this character and to get more information out of all three of those people and the victim. No, you will not be getting paid to do this, till you are officially a part of the force again. Understood?" Chief concludes and looks between the two of us. I look at Katie over my shoulder and she looks at me. We both turn to the Chief and nod our heads.

"Deal." We both say in unison.

With that we shake hands with the Chief and head to our, well Katie's, office. I close the door behind us and walk over to the desk. I set the folder of the people we have to speak to and read off their names as Katie writes them down.

"Liam Payne, Yvonne Greene, and... Addison Kelly? " I say, my voice changing to a confused tone as Addison is mentioned. Katie looks at me and then at the picture of Addison.

"This doesn't even look like her," she states and raises an eyebrow in confusion. I look at the pictures and then at Katie.

"Because that picture isn't of her," I simply say, bringing my hand to my chin, and my eyes to Katie's eyes.


Sup homies, here's an update for ya! It's pretty intense.

We can't believe how fast this story has gone up on Wattpad and it is because of you guys. I know we may not have full-out fans, but how many of you are fans of Double K?

Just some interesting twists in this chapter, woo!

Please continue supporting us, voting, commenting, and sharing our story! We are having so much fun writing it and we honestly did not expect this story to be as good as it has been.

Thank you all again!

~Double K

Police 101 ~H.S. AU~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя