~Chapter Nineteen~

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Katie's P.O.V

What's gotten into him lately? I honestly can't keep up with him anymore, it's like I'm constantly at an on/off battle with him. One minute everything is fine, all playful and happy with me; then the next is snapping and yelling at me, fighting with me and not telling me shit. All I ever do is be there for him, that's all I've ever done. Yet, he never fucking notices. Everything that's happened through his life since I've known him, I've been there. I've always been his shoulder to lean on, I've always listened to him rant on, I've always been the one to pick him back up. But, like I say, it's as though he hasn't realised. Why do I even bother for his attention anymore? He doesn't care, or it feels like he doesn't anyway. Every single time he's been crushed and heartbroken, it's been left to me to pick up the tiny pieces.

The one thing that's annoyed me most though? He never told me he was seeing Sarah. Why didn't he tell me? He used to tell me anything and everything? Of all people, it had to be fucking Sarah. But whatever, I'm done with his antics. After everything I've helped him with, it's like he's not even bothered. I'm sick and tired of all the snappings, the cruel words, the meaningless arguments.

I stand there, watching him exit the room in silence. All I wanted to do was yet again attempt to help, but oh no, he just storms off like a two year old having a tantrum. Plus, to make matters worse, he was crying. He's never cried in front of me, he's always been that big tough guy, who never shows tears. He's told me everything else in the past, so why not this? I rush over to the office door, my eyes not once leaving him. He didn't speak to a single soul, didn't even look at anyone.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Styles?" Chief yelled at him, just as he grabbed his arm.

But Harry didn't say a word and simply pulled himself out of the Chief's grip before rushing out the building. This is not like Harry, not at all. A long sigh falls from my lips, my back leant against the office door.

My instincts tell me to run after him, but my head is telling me not to. He'd only yell in my face or something anyway, he needs time to cool down... he'll talk to me when he's ready to, right?

"Are you really just going to stand there, Chief? And just let that bastard run out? How many times do I have to say to lock him up already! We know he did it, for God's sake! Are you all a bunch of idiots?" Wesley blurts out from nowhere, a smug expression plastered all over that annoying little face as he looks towards the chief.

"Wesley, it's not your place to comme-" Chief begins, but I soon interrupt. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"I swear to fucking god, can you shut up for five minutes? Nobody gives a flying shit on your opinion, Wesley. It has nothing to do with you, since you know, you were kicked off this case? Yeah? So shut that annoying trap of yours before I do it for you." I snapped at him, whilst I shot him a cold and bitter glare.

He simply turned to me and puffed out a sarcastic laugh, the smug look not once leaving his face.

"Now, now, Katie. Stop getting so protective over a killer... shut my trap for me? Why, you gonna suck my dick too like Sarah?" He states cockily. "Since, from what I heard, you're pretty good at that... according to Drew, anyways." He adds, a pompous smirk slapped across his features.

I'm so close from going ape shit, bloody hell. He's so infuriating and he makes my blood boil, whoever this killer is, I sure as hell wish Wesley is next on the goddamn list. Also, 'according to Drew'? What? Did Drew blab about him and I...? Since I thought it was only Harry who knew, as he caught us. Harry promised he wouldn't say anything, so did Drew...

"Fucking watch it." I hissed. "You don't realise how close you are to getting a fucking slap." I added on, the glare still on him.

"Aww, look at little Katie getting all defensive. Hot. What do ya say, meet me in my office in ten and I'll have you on my desk? Because well, you've had experience with that with good ol' Drew." He commented, raising his brows to me.

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