~Chapter Eleven~

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Katie's P.O.V

Who knew Harry was as big of a dick as any other guy out there in this world? I sure didn't. What he said... hurt. It hurt a lot, more than a lot actually. Oh yeah, it's just okay to call a girl a slut and to yell at a girl for one mistake.

I shook my head and rubbed my cheek, drying a tear that slipped out of the corner of my eye. I bite my lip and walk into mine and Harry's office, seeing the picture of him and I. I pick it up and look at it. Our smiles were big, our eyes twinkled. I think I was laughing because of something he said and someone got a shot of it. I smile slightly at the memory, but the smile soon fades, remembering what had happened. I set the photo down on the desk and turn it around so the picture was facing the empty chair.

I take a deep breath and grab a tissue, blowing my nose and dabbing my eyes with it. I throw the tissue out and then sit in a chair, looking around the office. "Maybe it would be better to not be partner's anymore," I mumble to myself, running a hand through my knotted hair.

"What are you talking about?" A voice surprises me. I turn around and see it was Wes. "Oh sorry, did I scare you?" He asks me, kind of rude. He sits in the chair beside me and looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "Well?" He urges me on to speak.

I open my mouth, but close it not knowing what to say. "I-I uh," I stammer, thinking of what words to say. "Sorry, you coming in took me by surprise, yeah," I assure him, giving him a head nod.

He nods his head and puts his hands together, leaning forward on his knees. "Now what do you mean, better off not being partner's? You and Styles?" He questions. He seemed really interested in this...

I nod my head and bite the inside of my cheek, looking at the man. "Yeah, Harry and I had a falling out, that's all, yeah," I tell him and look at the ground. Wesley chuckles and leans back in the seat.

"Interesting," he says, a small smirk forming on his lips. "How about I become your new partner? Harry and Sarah can work together, Sarah doesn't do shit, besides give amazing blow-jobs," he explains, rubbing his chin as if remembering something.

"Oh?" I ask and laugh slightly. Wesley nods his head and gives me a side smile. "I see, yeah. We'll have to check on that, Wes. I like that idea, a lot," I tell him, agreeing with the idea.

Maybe working with Wesley, won't be too terribly bad even though he is a twat. But I mean, so is Harry. What could possibly go wrong?

Harry's P.O.V

As I sat there, pondering my thoughts for a while, the rain kept coming down hard. Thunder rumbled and the lightning cracked across the sky. Maybe I should check on her....I thought to myself. I then thought again and decided against it.

I get out of the police car and dash across the parking lot, holding my jacket above my head, and unlocking my car door. I open the door and sit down in the driver's seat, closing the door behind me. I shrug my wet jacket off my shoulders and set it on the plastic mats of my Audi R8. I start the car, turn my lights on, and windshield wipers on. It's gonna be hell, heading home.

I back out of the parking space and start heading back toward mine and Sarah's place. I listen to the radio on a low volume, tapping my fingers to the beat. I whistle a few lines and continue driving down the road.

It was slick out, very slick. The rain just kept coming down harder and harder. The lightning and thunder getting worse, maybe even closer. I sigh and stop at a red light, watching the other cars go past. It was late, only making me feel even worse than how I already felt.

I push the gas pedal lightly, but my wheels still spin on the pavement. I bite my lip and continue driving not really slow, but not really fast kind of pace. I arrive at our place, parking the car, turning it off and heading inside. I unlock the front door and push it open. "Babe, I'm home," I call as I step foot in the entryway. I slide my shoes off and hang my jacket up on the hanger. I walk into the kitchen and see Sarah, reading the newspaper.

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