~Chapter Eighteen~

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Harry's P.O.V

From the moment I stepped foot in that office, I knew something was up. The looks I was being given, the names I was being called, and the way they all just stared at me. What did I do? Why does everyone hate me all of a sudden?

Finally, I reached the office and I heard Wes yell, then Katie defend me. Everything was happening to quick and I don't even know what I did.

Katie walked into the office, tried getting what was wrong with me out, but failed. Yes, I yelled at her. Now here I am, crying. Crying my eyes out, why?

I put my face in my hands, my shoulders were shaking slightly and I just cried. I never cried in front of anyone, most importantly never Katie. I never cried in front of her. Never. She's been my best friend for years and years, but yet. I never realized and still don't see how or if she even cares.

I hope she does, but now a days? I don't know who cares anymore. I haven't spoken to Gemma, my mum, my step-dad, and I haven't even spoken to Katie about my feelings or anything. I never told anyone about Sarah and I, when we were dating, and I still haven't. She's probably ran her big mouth and told everyone that we were a thing for three years.

Three fucking years of my life, I spent with her. Three years. I spent my life trying to make her happy, make her smile, make her feel like a princess, and so much more. Why does everything bad always have to happen to me? What have I ever done to receive all of this karma?

First I lost Lindsey, then Katie who came back, and now I've lost Sarah. Half of the time I've been working here was spent with Sarah. Spent with Sarah living in my house, spent with her sleeping beside me, waking up beside me, fucking me.

Why am I mess up? Why doesn't anyone look for the real me? I swear no one has ever looked for the real me ever since Lindsey... God, she died in my arms. Died in my damn arms.

I break out of my thoughts, everything crashing down on me way too hard for my liking. I stand up from the chair and look at Katie through blurry eyes. I don't know what she was thinking, I have no fucking clue.

I shake my head and walk around the desk and out the office door, not even taking a second look at everyone around me. My whole life and world came crashing down me, all too fast. I push through Chief, who grabbed my arm and yanked me back, but I broke from his grip and walked out of the building.

I walk down the steps, tears falling like a waterfall. I bring my hands up and wipe viciously at my skin, making it red. It hurt, a lot, but I don't even know if I've ever not been hurt. Ever since I joined the force, everything has been coming down on me. The whole dating Sarah thing and keeping it hidden, the fights with Chief and Katie, the disagreements with Wesley, catching Katie with Drew, and the list just goes on and on.

I don't walk to the car, I turn and head down the sidewalk. I take a deep breath and finally stop crying, well kind of. I wipe my eyes with my hands again and sigh lightly. I needed space, I needed a break. I needed to get away, yeah. That's a good idea.

I turn left down a path and walk along it, heading down to the lake. I arrive and think about where I was gonna go. America. That's exactly where I'm gonna go, yeah.

I pick up a rock and skip it along the water, before taking a shortcut back to my house. I arrive and grab my laptop, buying the closest and quickest flight ticket to America. I then start packing and everything. I grab a piece of paper and a pen.

On the piece of paper, I write:

"Dear Katie,

I know you're probably gonna end up coming to my place and everything, only to find me not here, but yet this note will be here for you to read. So here it is. I've decided to head off to America, due to everything that has been happening recently. Whatever you hear, anything and everything, just know. I didn't do anything. I swear to God I didn't. Hearing what was being said to me as I walked into the office, I have no idea what they're talking about. Believe me or not, I'm not gonna force you too. I just wanted you to know where I was and I was hoping you wouldn't tell anyone. I'm going to Pennsylvania for however long it takes for all this to blow over. You can text me, due to us having iMessage and it's free, ya know.

Tell my mum and Gemma I went on vacation, yeah. Don't tell them where I've gone. Just tell them I've gone on vacation.

That's my plan and yeah.

I'll see you when I get back, until then Partner.

Beat this case...


- H."

After writing the note, I set it on the kitchen counter and grab my luggage. I call for a cab, while looking around my place one more time. "I'm gonna miss this place," I mumble as I walk to the front door and head out to the cab that just arrived. I put my things in the back of the cab and slide in the backseat, closing the door behind me.

Within moments, I was off to the airport, my house trailing behind me and slowly disappearing from my view.

Running from my problems wasn't the smartest thing, but I had no other idea on what to do. Whatever was being said and discussed about me wasn't the truth. The truth is what was tearing me apart. Bit by bit, piece by piece. I was falling apart and I couldn't control it.

My life? It was empty, broken, and smashed in pieces on the floor. It hurts me to say, but... I don't think I know who I am anymore. Who was I? Was I even Harry anymore?

With those thoughts in mind, I arrived at the airport, boarded my plane and was on my way to Pennsylvania. Everything finally leaving my brain, besides one specific thing. One very specific thing. A person. A beautiful, beautiful girl. That only thing that was left and wondering on my mind?

It  was my best-friend, Katie Jones.


Hey, hey, hey. It's us again and here we have another update!

Does anyone even read these? Hahaha, I sure hope so!

What are you thoughts about Harry leaving? Was it a smart idea? A dumb idea?

Should he have spoken to Katie about his problems before leaving?

How about that last sentence though (;

Thank you so much for all your reads, comments, votes and shares if you have been sharing it (please say you have been, cause we love when people share our story)!

More than likely going to be another update tonight, currently we are working on Chapter Nineteen, oh my.

Thank you so much!

~Double K

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