~Chapter Seventeen~

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Katie's P.O.V

The next day, I had arrived a little earlier to work than usual and honestly, I have no idea why. Overtime, I suppose. I ventured inside the large building, smiling and greeting fellow co-workers. Just as I was about to enter my office, I felt a hand tap me on my shoulder, thus causing me to turn around.

Drew. As per usual. Just like most mornings.

I smiled up at the male, seeing him there holding out the usual polystyrene coffee cup.

"You've really gotten this into routine now, haven't you?" I smirked slightly, bringing the cup up to my pink lips.

"Of course, Kates. I got you covered." He replied, nodding his head once.

"Well, thank you. Much appreciated." I said to him, about to turn back around and head into the office.

"Hey, wait," he spoke, grabbing me by my arm to turn me back around again. "Did you hear about Styles? I'm assuming you have, so I mean, shit man. Guess you don't truly know people, eh. Do you think he did it? I'm so shocke-" Drew began, but I soon cut him off.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I blurted, genuinely confused by what he was rambling on about.

His expression goes blank and his lips part slightly, letting out a sigh. "Harry, he... uh, well... you see, there's been some evidence brought up against him." He starts and lets go of my arm, allowing his posture to lean against the wall.

I didn't say another word, but only raised my brows and gestured for him to continue speaking.

"We... we ran blood tests, against those knives and blades we found yesterday in Rob Kirby's dwelling. His blood matches one of the murder weapons..." He frowns, messing with hands. "Also, did you know him and Sarah were like... dating? Or was. Something kicked off between them last night and now, Sarah's reported an incident that involved Harry 'attacking' her, obviously in a violent manner."

What the actual fuck am I hearing? Is he saying Harry's a suspect? Wait... and he has been dating Sarah? Whilst she's been with Wes? This is all too much to hear. For some reason, listening to the fact Harry had been dating Sarah all this time saddens me a little, yet I don't why. Maybe it's because he hadn't told me... yeah...

"I mean, there isn't much evidence so far, but there's enough to go on. Blood matched on a murder weapon, him violently hitting Sarah... so we had to carry out some research on him. Turns out he had hit another woman a few years back and she passed away. Really can't judge a book by it's cover, can you?" He concludes, the frown still evident on his lips.

"I don't believe it. Nor will I believe it all until I see for myself. The blood isn't his, Sarah's a slut anyway and you need to 'research' a bit more, pal." I responded, my voice being very monotone.

No. Just no. Harry isn't capable of any of this... right? I mean, I know he can't control his actions when he's pissed and whatnot. But he'd never kill someone? Neither would he ever lay hands on a woman, surely?

"Katie, it's really not looking good for hi-" Drew was cut off once again, but not by me this time.

Station doors swung open and when everyone looked to see who it was, the whole department fell to silence. Harry strode in and God, he looked awful. His eyes were red and puffy, bags clearly visible beneath his eyes looking as though he hadn't slept in weeks. His complexion was pale and his hair looked like it hasn't been touched in about 10 years. The shirt he was wearing wasn't even buttoned up properly, half of it not being tucked in either. Jesus Christ.

Our fellow officers and co-workers just look at him in disgust and disbelief, nobody dared to say a word to him or even greet him. Simply just quiet mumbles and dirty looks was all he was getting.

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