Chapter 58 •Actual Party•

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I finish my talk with dad . I walk back home and see Hunter back home watching tv . I walk to m room , someone one knocks on my door . Of course it was Hunter .

"What do you want Hunter , I don't want to hear your yelling "I say in a sad voice . He looks at me and sits a side my bed . Guess he wants to talk .

"I know and I'm sorry , I guess it's just because , Meghan well first of all you need to learn how to keep secrets and when you hear something hear what's first going on don't just realize oh this happened when it didn't you get my point "Hunter explains

"Yeah I get it I'm sorry to about you and Brooklyn "I say apologizing

"Nah it's okay I know she will get back together with me "Hunter says smiling . I return a smile and he says one more thing .

"Now wear something nice,as a brother, I want to take you to a restaurant just the two of us "he says smiling . I push him out my room and browse threw my clothes and look for something to wear . Man I really need some new clothes . I grab a dress , I probably wore it once but anyways I wear it . I wear some high heels , and spray perfume . I fix my makeup my adding some eye shadow . Then I grab my purse and head out . I see Hunter in a tuxedo . Okay !!

"Wait Hunter you can't drive "I say laughing . He smiles at me and raises his eyebrows . He points to a car a bmw . I see someone in the front . It was Cameron .

"Cameron "I yell running in the car . I hug him and we all sit in . He drives us to this house . It was Brooklyn's house .

"Why are we here she hates me "I say looking at Hunter .

"She's my x girlfriend,  I need to talk to her "Hunter explains knocking on the door . No one awnsers . Lights were off , no sounds . He opens the door .

"Hunter were gonna get arrested "I say as he walks in pulling my hand .

"SURPRISE" Everyone yells jumping out of places with confetti

"No Meghan you don't get arrested for going to a Magcon theme birthday party "he says smiling kissing my cheek .

"Happy birthday" he whispers in my ear . I smile and hug Brooklyn . I apaoligize to her and they all tell me it was a joke . They planned all this to happen . Idiots ! We all sing and dance and have a fun time .

"Hey so are we still dating "Jacob asks smiling .

"Yes we are , I'm sorry "I say apologizing . We hug and talk about stuff . We all eat and have fun with the whole Magcon and just the Magcon .

"Blake and Brent come up to me and hug me and we'll say what they got to say .

"Happy birthday "they both say hugging me .

"Thanks "I say smiling . I see someone get up on stage and sing a song .

"Hi my name is Shawn Mendes and I'm gonna Sing a song to a very special person today "

"Ahhhhh"Every girl yells

The song finishes .

"Happy birthday Meghan"He says smiling .

"Yeah he can't treat you better than I can "Jacob says as I smile . I hug Jacob and bring him to the dance floor . We dance and the lights turn off . Everyone starts to sing .

•Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Meghan happy birthday to you•

"Cha cha cha "Hunter yells cashing everyone looking at him

"What no one does that anymore "Hunter wines we all laugh . I blow the candles and make a wish .

•I wish everything could always be like this . A smile on a face , dreams come true , and most of friends and family always there when you need them •

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