Chapter Three(pranks)

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I finally took a shower , it literally took 2 hours to get the came out my hair . My brothers always do something bad . So I'm gonna get back at them once I think of and idea .

I come downstairs and see Brandon cleaning the mess . I see my mom comes with groceries in her hand . Hunter helped , my mom with the bags .

"Well mom you missed cake in my HAIR "I say screaming the last part looking over at Hunter

"Boys what did I say about pranks "my mom says

"Mom if you would just listen , Meghan got pranked by Hunter Rowland "Hunter says laughing

"Wow I missed a lot , what goes on with your life "Katie says giggling

I walk upstairs and get ready for bed . I wear my pjs , and slip on my uggs . I braid my hair to the side . Katie mom picked her up and she went home .

I lie down , in my bed and go on my phone . I then see my brother barge in my room .

"What do you want Brandon "I say putting my phone next to my lamp

"Just know that I'm on your side "he says putting the blanket on me , and turning lights off

"Goodnight" he says smiling and leaving the room

(7:00 in the morning )

Hunter opened the door , and runs in my room banging pans to pans . It was so loud it made me wake up .

"Hunter let me sleep "I scream throwing a pillow at Hunter

I close my eyes , and hear way more noise , Hunter sings very loudly .

"Hunter SHUTUP , you know how to do everything but please learn to SHUTUP " I scream as he giggles

"I'm serious "

"Okay fine dress up so I could prank you again "Hunter says

"Hunter please stop with this yesterday was enough please Hunter "I say

He leaves and closes the door . I was awake so I rushed to the bathroom . I brushed my teeth , washed my face , and plugged the curling iron on .

I went to my closet I found a crop top with some jeans . I decided to wear it . I then put my vans on and went back in the bathroom . I got the curling Iron and started to curl my hair . After that I put eyeliner and mascara .

I grabbed my phone , and backpack and headed downstairs .

"Hunter so , you have something to say to your sister "my mom says as Hunter approaches me

I smile as I hear him say sorry for the prank . I accepted it , and decided to do no more pranks . Now that that's over with I got to get to school .

"It's okay "I said hugging him and walking to school with Brandon

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