Chapter 22 ( Promises & Friendship)

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After the amazing hug . Jacob and I watch everyone slow dance except Alex and me and Jacob . The music was over so people started to go on their own confersation S . I see Brooklyn get up on the stage talking to the Dj .

(Brooklyn's P.O.V )
I get up on the stage floor . Cause like hey , my friend Meghan's in trouble she needs someone to dance with . This was a night for everyone . I'm her best friend who will make her happy .

"Hey put a slow song again couples hello "I say walking of the stage

I walk over to Alex .

"Alex go ask Meghan to dance , she's alone "I say pushing him

"Hey , wanna dance "Alex says smiling

"Sure "I say walking with him to the dance floor.

"Couples there so cute "I say seeing Jacob stare at me weirdly

(Meghan's P.O.V)
We dance threw the song . My hands around his shoulders resting his arms around my waist . I looked up at him and smiled and then look at Jacob who is sitting down sadly .

"Just go "Alex says understanding me

"You sure "I say feeling bad

"Yeah thanks "he says walking away

I walk to Jacob who is sitting down .

"I hope it's not to late "I say reaching out my hand

"Nope your right on time "Jacob says smiling getting up

We walk to the dance floor and the song was playing thousand years by Christina perri . We danced together . I have been imagining this day just not like this . I did like him at first but he dated Stacy and now I have two amazing people who want to date me . I get lost in my head with thoughts . I look over at Jacob who is smiling . I smile to and continue to dance .

"See couples " Brooklyn says smiling

"Yeah they make a cute couple "Hunter says smiling looking over at me

I then see Katie and Brandon dancing . I smile at them and look over at Alex who is talking to a girl . I honestly don't care Jacob is here with me . I smile at Jacob once again lying my head on his shoulder as we still move .

"Meghan I want to tell you something and something that started untill day one "Jacob says blushing and smiling

"You can tell me "I say smiling back

"I like you and I like you like I'll never let you go "Jacob says

I smile hearing those same exact words . I like him to , should I tell him or not . Nah , I shouldn't .

"Meghan Will you go out with me "he says

"Jacob I don't know what to say but I really like you "I say smiling

"Then go out with me "he says

"Why not , okay " I say as he leans in and kisses my lips

"I love you Meghan "he says

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