Chapter Four: Crosswell High School, Home of the Yellow Jackets

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Ok, so if any of my friends are reading this at this moment you all know this story, but I'm just going to put this here for those of you that I don't know, but would find amusement in my little mishap. I am very sad to inform you all that on August 10, 2016 my iPad had a horrible accident and is cracked very badly. How did this happen? Well me being me, I dropped it on a fricking iron door stopper thingie. Like you know the things you put in front of your door to keep it open? Yeah, well mine is iron and it practically destroyed my iPad. As always, you can skip to the end to get a view of this chapter's babe, which is Keegan Palmer.

Enjoy (:

Chapter Four: Crosswell High School, Home of the Yellow Jackets

"SUNDAY FUNDAY BITCH!" Elvie screamed in my ear over the phone. It seems we were only talking on the phone now a days. I wanted to spend time with my best friend, but being the Bowl Bandit took up most of my free time.

"Elvie it's 9 o'clock in the morning what has you all hyped up?" I asked, annoyed. Curson was driving us all the way to Georgia. We were about halfway there and I had been woken up by the sound of my phone blasting 'What a Catch Donnie.' I had already been woken up once at 4 o'clock in the morning by my idiotic brother, and I was so not in the mood for her yelling.

"You're in such a cheerful mood today, old friend." Elvie stated sarcastically.

"When you are only halfway through a ten hour drive, it gets you cranky. Especially being woken up by your best friend calling you twice."

"Well you didn't pick up the first time, so I called again."

"Did you ever think maybe I didn't pick up for a reason?"


I rolled my eyes at this. "Well, why is it Sunday Funday?"

"Because I want it to be, duh."

"Ok then. Since I'm now fully awake, entertain me."

Elvie scoffed. "Is that all I am to you? Entertainment?"

"What else would you be to me?" I joked.

"I regret sharing my Hershey Bar with you back in Kindergarten."

I gasped in mock horror. "Well, I regret giving you one of my apple juice boxes. You knew I always had two."


"Any new boys I should be worrying about?" I had always been kind of envious of Elvie's good looks. With her brown hair that was super duper soft and her chocolate brown eyes that melted with kindness, it made any guy want to date her. She never really found anyone worth settling down for yet, but at least she had people asking her out.

I mean, one guy asked me out and now he's my ex. Elvie had set us up with her matchmaker skills and she said it was the perfect match. Did you see what I said there? Elvie set us up. No one has ever asked me out without the help of Elvie, but I was ok with that. It's not like I had the confidence to just stroll up to someone I thought was cute and ask them out. Of course now she regrets ever doing it in the first place, but at least I got some experience with the whole dating thing.

"Nope." She said quickly.

I smirked. "You're lying."

"What? N-No I'm not."

"Elvie, darling." I faked a British accent. "I've known you since we got partnered up to hand out glue to the class in Kindergarten. You can't lie to me."

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