10. Werewolves Don't Exist

Start from the beginning

"I'm not like you, that's for sure." He says grabbing his slightly bleeding neck.

I don't like his answer at all because I'm being serious. He's hiding something from me. So I run, full speed, and shove him against the wall.

"You either tell me right now what the hell you are, or I'll kill you and leave your brother to die." I say while pinning him against the wall. He refuses to answer so I start crushing his throat with my arm. He eventually gives through the pain and I let go of him.

"Fine..." He coughs. "I'll tell you my secret... I'll tell you what I am."

I look at him ready for him to spill it out.

"I'm a werewolf."

I look at him confused for 2 seconds before I realize he's lying. Werewolves don't exist! He starts bursting out laughing and I swear I saw a few tears come out of his eyes.

I'm done with his bullshit so I kick him in the face and he falls to the ground

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I'm done with his bullshit so I kick him in the face and he falls to the ground.

"What the hell was that for?!" he cries.

"For being a jackass." I say.

"Just giving you a taste of your own medicine, Rose."

"Bite me, Gray."

"I think you're forgetting who the bloodsucker here is." he says standing up.

I turn around and run my fingers through my hair.

"Why did your blood taste different?" I ask nicely this time.

"What do you mean it tastes different?" He says.

"It wasn't human." I say turning back to him.

"Um, it's definitely human."

I shake my head in confusion and look up at his neck thats still bleeding.

"Go clean that up before I attack you." I say looking away.

He leaves the room and I lay down on a blanket that Nathan and John must of set up earlier to sleep on. I look up at the ceiling and look at what I was staring at earlier. A fly got caught in it's spider's web and is struggling to get free. The fly knows that no one can help him, not even himself. He just has to accept the fact that the spider will take over him and he will no longer exist.

"Already been down that route buddy." I whisper.

Nathan comes back into the shed a few minutes later and lays down on the blanket next to me. I keep my eyes off of him and keep my eyes on the fly. I can feel him staring at me but I don't look back.

"Why are you looking at the fly? You've been looking at it all day." He asks looking up with me.

"No reason." I simply say.

We lay in silence and his heart beat is loud. It's very hard for me to lay next to him, all I want to do is feed on him and kiss him at the same time. He's just so sexy and delicious.

I need to stop.

But seriously all I can think about is his blood. It's like heroine, once you take it, you want more and more. There's no getting off of it. It's addictive. But every part of me is telling me not to feed on him, that I'm not supposed to. He's like every other person I've killed before, nothing is different, so why is everything so complicated?

He eventually falls asleep a few minutes later and me right after him. I usually don't have dreams but tonight is different. It's more like a flashback or a memory, but I'm not sure. I'm back in my cell ten years ago and it's the day after I received my injection. I'm starving and laying against a wall trying not to cry. I don't know what day it is or what time and I feel like my life is falling apart. I don't know what Michael gave me but I feel weak and hungry for something, but I'm not sure what. My thoughts are distracted by Michael entering the building with a little boy. My hearing is heightened so I can hear their conversation from the other side of the building.

"Dad I'm 7 years old I'm old enough to shoot a gun!" The little boy says.

"That's not why we are here, shut the hell up about that!"

He then slaps the little boy. The little boy's heart speeds up and he cries out in pain.

"Hold up your arm, boy."

"But dad, I don't like needles." the boy says.

Michael slaps him again and says that it's important. I can then hear Michael stick the needle in the poor boy's arm and the little boy's heart is beating way too fast. I then hear him pass out and hit the floor hard. Tears start to come out of my eyes because I wish I could help him, but I can't. I then listen as Michael picks him up and carries him out of the building. I catch a quick glimpse of the little boy through my cell, and he looks very familiar.

I'm suddenly woken by a bunch of thudding noises against the door. I rub my eyes and look over to see Nathan's arms wrapped around my waist.

What the hell?

Nathan's eyes open a few seconds later and I can't help but make fun of him.

"Good morning beautiful" I say with a smirk.

Sorry for the slightly short chapter, next one will be longer! <3 hope you enjoyed :)

I started adding gifs between chapters and I'm really digging it! Helps put a clear picture in your head as you're reading!

Next chapter in the next day or two xoxo

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