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Rosalind's POV
"Rosalind, Sirius it's time to go to Hogwarts." My mother calls from downstairs.

I grab my trunk and hurry downstairs and stand in front of the fire place where my twin brother Sirius is already waiting.

"I can't wait!" I squeal.

"Me too Rosie. What house do you want to be in?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well I want to be in Gryffindor. Don't tell anybody ok?"

I nod just as mother, father, and younger brother Regulus walk in.

"Alright Sirius you're first grab some floo powder we're Kings Cross station," mum says.

Sirius drags his trunk in the fire place and takes the powder. "Kings Cross Station!" He says and is engulfed in green flames.

"Alright dear you're next." Mum says.

I walk into the fire place with my trunk grab the powder and say "Kings Cross Station."

I'm engulfed in green flames a minute or two later I see Sirius. I grab my trunk and walk over to him. His stuff is already on a trolley.

"Here let me get that." He says and takes my trunk and puts it on a trolley.

A minute later my parents and younger brother arrived.

"Always packed with muggle filth." My my sneers.

"If Dumbledore wasn't such a mudblood lover we wouldn't have to do this. We could just go directly to the platform. " my father adds.

There's a girl with red hair with her parents and a girl with blonde hair who I'm guessing is the girls sister. The red hair girl has a trunk like mine. They all look confused. Maybe she's muggleborn.

"This way children." My mother says and guides us to a wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"Now Sirius run into the wall." My father instructs.

"What?!" Sirius and I say in unison.

"Calm down." My mother instructs. "Now if you walk through the wall you will end up in platform 9 3/4. Rosalind and I will go first. "

My mother takes the trolley with me in the middle and walks swiftly into the wall. I close my eyes ready for impact but it never comes. I open my eyes and see a gleaming red train. It's the Hogwarts express!

Sirius, father, and Regulus follow shortly after us. Together we walk towards the train.

"Oh look there's Cygnus and Druella with the girls," my mother says walking over to my aunt, uncle and cousins.

My oldest cousin, Bellatrix, or just Bella, is going into her 7th and final year at Hogwarts, and she's in Slytherin, just like the rest of my family. She has long curly dark brown almost black hair, brown eyes, and is fairly tall. She really is beautiful, but she can be a bit crazy. She believes in the blood supremacy like the rest of my family: Purebloods above everyone else. Muggles and muggle borns are filth. And blood traitors and half bloods aren't any better.

The next is Andromeda,who we call Meda, she's 15 going into her 5th year. She looks like her older sister except her hair is short, straighter, and more brown then it is black. She is also in Slytherin, she but doesn't share the same views as our family and sisters. She's one of Sirius and my favorites in our family.

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