16 - "You can do whatever you to me, ok? Just don't hurt her!"

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She stole what's rightfully mine and I'll do anything to get him back.

Welcome back to BABD!! This chapter we are going to see who ? is and why they want Darcy out of the picture. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. GET READING!

Darcy's p.o.v
7 weeks later

I heard a bang and shot out of bed. I looked around frantically only to figure out I was alone. I stood from the bed and quietly waddled towards the door. I placed one hand on the small of my back and the other supporting the bottom of my 35 week old bump. I opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs. I walked towards the kitchen and there was broken glass and the door was wide open. I grabbed a knife and continued to look around.

"Where the hell is everyone?" I whispered to myself.

"Knocked out from the sleeping pills I put in their drinks," a voice said behind me. I jumped and turned around. A dark figure was standing there holding a gun. I froze.

"Please d-don't," I pleaded holding my bump protectivly. They laughed.

"So he got you pregnant?" They said angerly.

"Who? Jack?" I questioned.

"Yes Jack," they spat.

"No it wasn't Jack it was Joseph," I said.

"Your cheating on him?" They asked.

"No I was... Umm.... I was raped," I said. "His name was Joseph," I said.

"Oh fabulous," they said.

"What's so fabulous about being raped," I asked.

"Then I wont feel as bad about this," they said. They ran over and came behind me putting a cloth over my mouth. I struggled to get out of their hold, who I'm guessing is a girl from the extra weight on their chest. I felt myself slipping in and out of concussness. I went limp in her arms.


I woke up on cold concrete floor and groaned. Where the hell was I? I looked around saw a figure sitting in the corner sharpening a knife and humming.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In my basement where you can never escape," she said. She walked over and I saw her face. She had choclate brown eyes and long curled black hair. She was a little pale and had freckles on her face. Her teeth were very white.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your worst nightmare," she laughed. "The names Piper but my friends call me blade," she said.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You stole him from me," she said.

"Who's him?" I asked.

"Jack," she answered. "He was suppose to marry me but you got in the way. We had a misunderstanding and took a break, then you show up and steel him from me," she spat.

"How did I steel him from you?! You're a pyschopath!" I screamed. She held the knife towards my stomach. I placed my arms over it protectivly.

"I suggest you don't yell at me," she said. I gulped and nodded. "Now where were we? Oh yes! You stole him from me! I'm suppose to be the one wearing a ring on my finger and I'm suppose to be pregnant with his child!" She screamed. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I worried for the safety of my unborn child.

"You can do whatever you want to me, ok? Just don't hurt her!" I pleaded.

"Oh we have a bouncing baby girl," she said with a smirk. "You know, I always wanted a daughter," she said. I wrapped my arms a little tighter getting a kick from Delilah in response. "Well I have places to be and a man to confort in his time of need. I'll see ya later," she said. She stood on her feet and turned.towards a stair case. She walked up them and opened a door. She closed it and I heard a click. I got off the floor and scrambled to get to the stairs. I tried to open the door but failed. I sat down and sobbed into my knees. She was going to keep me here and steel my daughter from me when she's born. I walked back down and laid on the thin blanket. I cried myself to sleep.

Jack's p.o.v

Darcy's been missing for hours and nobody has any idea where she could be. Everyone is getting worried and I've been crying since we've learned she's missing. We checked everywhere she could have been but nothing. I miss her so much.

"We're gonna find her, don't worry," my sister, Alex, comforted me.

"What if we don't Alex! She's pregnant!" I yelled frustratedly.

"Don't worry, ok? We'll find her," she said. I nodded and hugged her tightly.

Darcy's p.o.v

I woke from the cold floor with a shiver. I opened my eyes and saw a plastic tray with food on it. I jumped for it and began eating the food. I finished it quickly and placed it back on the floor. I rubbed my bumb with a sigh.

"I hope your ok in there baby girl. I know it's a bit hard right now but we'll get out. Daddy Jack will come and be our super hero, don't you worry. I love you Delilah," I said. I continued to rub my bump getting small kicks every few seconds. The door opened and I srambled to the closest corner and pulled my knees as close as I could to my chest, my bump getting in the way.

"Nobody is going to.find you in here," she said. I gulped. "And Delilah will be mine," she laughed. It's like Joseph all over again without being raped.

4 weeks later (39 weeks preg)

I shifted uncomfortably as a small pain went through my lower abdoman.

"I'm going to be out for a few hour, don't try anything," she warned me. She left the basement area. Another pain shot through my stomach and I doubled pver in pain.

"Not now Delilah, it's too early," I whined. More pain shot through me traveling to my back. I cried out in pain. And in that moment I knew I was going into labour.

~Authors note~

OMFG!! Darcy's about give birth!! And in a pychopath's basement! Oh lord help mei!

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.


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