"Claire", he said bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Please tell me. I need to know the truth before I could put an end to this insaneness."

"Hey I am not insane!" I shouted angrily. "And yes, I didn't tell you because you are a spoilt-brat and I had learnt to accept everything once I had found out that I lookex exactly like her."

"So just because you look like someone you decided to live under a fake identity and cheat everyone?" he said and I wanted to hit him hard.

I couldn't believe how someone could say such stuff in this situation!

"Yeah I cheated everyone. Happy!" I snapped back. What else was I supposed to do? There wasn't much choice.

"You realize how many people will be affected once they find oit the truth? You even broke her relationship with her boyfriend", he said.

"Yeah good for her!" I said and gave him a punch.

"He was another spoilt-brat like you!"

He caught my hands just in time before I proceeded with my ninja-fist-bump and brought his face closer. Thank god he didn't break them.

"You can't continue faking your identity Claire!" he said right in my ears and then let go of my hands.

"I don't want to!" I shouted.

"I just want to go back home! Does that make you happy?"

I started crying once again but I didn't bury my face in his wonderful neck this time because I was very, very mad at him. He didn't hug me. He just stared with his big blue eyes which annoyed me and intensified my anger. At once I kicked, punched and started hitting him with my fragile arms and legs but he soon caught me.

He could have easily hit me back given his temper but didn't. He just caught hold of my hands and legs as if I were a dummy that has come back to life. I calmed down and stopped my crazy/psycho assault at once.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I hate you!" he said all of a sudden. I think that was the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire life. But I couldn't lose this battle. No, not even a chance.

"And I love you. Very much! How about that huh", I said gritting my teeth.

"You want to know the truth! Well here it is. I never wanted you to have feelings for Crystal because I love you Raymond. I Clarida Hudson fell for you spoilt-brat. So I never wanted to reveal my identity because I knew I would lose you."

He looked at me without any expression.

"And you thought I would love you back?" he said laughing at me.

I was mentally planning to murder him but shoved the thought because I didn't want to go behind the bars.

And then like an unexpected jerk he kissed me on the lips.

Raymond Lavendar just stole my first kiss! How pathetic can my life be?

"How about this? I have always hated Crystal Darton but I love Clarida Hudson", he said.

My eyes were filled with tears. Again. Did he just say that he loves me?

"I would say I love you too", I said and kissed him back, hard without any regret as he wrapped me in his huge arms. Yes this was it. This was the moment I had been waiting for so long. This was the thing which was missing in my life all this time. Love.

When we parted to catch our breath I still couldn't believe what just happened.

"Do you really love me?" I asked him as I looked into his crystal blue eyes.

Immortal Soul (Book 1 Of The Immortal Series)Where stories live. Discover now