I left the plate and moved out of the bed to the nearest shower because I looked awful, even more awful than the usual. After I got out I grabbed my phone and Niall's contact appeared on the screen. I hesitated slightly before I dialed his number but I eventually did. A few seconds left until I heard he picked up.

"Hello?" He said as soon as he picked up. He obviously didn't know who's calling him since he doesn't have my number. His voice I somehow missed, and that's something I didn't want to admit but here I am ... this is actually really weird.

"Hey Niall, it's Jade." I snapped myself out of my thoughts quickly to get this over with.

"Oh hi Jade, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Listen, I-uh- just wanted to ask you about last night. I was seriously so drunk I don't remember anything and Candice told me that you were the one who brought me to the room? So I figured you would know," I heard him chuckle from the other line.

"Yeah I know what happened." That's it? That's all he got to say?

"So...?" I asked, becoming impatient.

"I will tell you, in one condition." I may say that I was surprised at his respond.

"Condition?" I thought I was saying it in my mind, but I found myself saying it out loud.

"I'm at the mall now, if you come I'll tell you." I rolled my eyes at his weird condition, I was seriously not in the mood for any meeting ups, but then again, I needed to know what happened last night so there's nothing I can really think about.

"Okay," I hesitantly replied.

"Alright! See you there." And with that we hanged up, I sighed to myself as I took some ripped jeans with loose shirt and vans from Candice's wardrobe.

Few minutes after I left Candice's house, I was in the mall's parking lot where I found him leaning on his car. I was clearly better than earlier, the hangover was slightly gone. I walked a little more further to him, until he noticed me and immediately smiled. I smiled back at him, but couldn't decide if it was a fake one or not. We both exchanged greetings as we entered together the mall. It's still weird that Niall asked me to meet him in the mall to tell me what happened, he could've just answered me on the phone so I can get this over with and move on with my life.

"So where are we exactly going?" I asked, trying to ignore these worrying thoughts that were in my head.

"You'll help me buy something then we will sit and talk." I stopped suddenly as I heard what he said, he stopped too when he felt me stopping. What does he want from me seriously? He made me go to the mall and now this? I don't have time for this shit I just want to know what happened.

"Woah, what? I only agreed to come with you just to know what happened, not to help you buy some shit." I honestly said.

"Come on, you won't lose anything if you just waited until we buy to Chloe something and then I will tell you everything."

Chloe. Of course. But why did he choose me, out of all people, to help him buy a gift for his girlfriend? I stood still, glaring at him while he was looking at me with his puppy eyes and all. It's nothing like I was moved by his puppy eyes, but if I left now he won't tell me.

"Fine." I clenched my teeth together, rolling my eyes. God, this is gonna be a long day. He smiled to me, telling me to follow him and as I did we started to walk again until he stopped in front of jewelry shop. I thought that he was mistaken or something, but he did enter it. The man who was inside immediately greeted Niall the second we stepped in.

"Mr. Horan! What a pleasure to see you, how can I help?" The man kindly asked Niall and I was standing behind him like a bag of potato, what is he going to buy exactly? An engagement ring? Pufft,Yeah right.

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