Chapter 20

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"Greyson! I'm home!" I called after Ashton dropped me off. I saw his figure appear coming down the hallway.

"Explain." He said simply as he held up the newspaper. On the front cover was a picture of me and Ashton kissing on the beach.

"What? It's my life, not yours." I said defensively.

"I'm only trying to protect you, Rae! This is the same boy who ditched you a year ago, the same boy who you hid from past month, the same boy who broke your heart. He's a celebrity, therefor a player. Everything he does is for an image. He's just going to break your heart again and move on!"

"Shut up, Grey!" I screamed. "Just because you don't love him, doesn't mean you can criticize everyone who does!"

"Rae, just calm down. I'm only trying to help." He said, reaching out to hug me.

"No. You calm down. I don't need your help, or anyone's for that matter! So what he made a mistake a long time ago. Can't you forgive him?" I said, backing away from him.

"Rae, no!"

"Fine. I'm done with you! Just... ugh." I yelled, running out the door. I didn't know where I was going. I kept on running until I was at the beach. It was the evening, so I wrapped my jacket tighter around my body and braced myself for the cool breeze. I decided to take a walk down the beach to calm down. Luckily, nobody else was there. I got out my phone, not wanting to go back home.

"Ashton's phone, this is Luke." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Uh, hey. Is Ashton there?" I asked.

"Yep, hold on. Let me go get him." There was static and muffled shouts, and finally the one voice I wanted to hear.

"Hey babe! Is everything alright?" I couldn't help but smile as I heard his Australian accent. It made its way into my heart even after two weeks of hearing it 24/7.

"Well actually Greyson-"

"Rae, don't listen to him. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

"Exactly, I don't want to go back there." I said, swishing around the water at my feet. I dug my toes into the silky sand.

"Where are you? I'll come pick you up and you can stay here for a while until everything's sorted out. Maybe you can even move in!" He added.

"I'm at the beach." I said. I thought about moving in. It would be so great, seeing him everyday! And the kids would love it. Speaking of kids, I remembered our little vacation away... quite a few times we'd made love and now I began to worry.

"Okay, stay there. I'll see you in a few!"

"Kay, thanks." I squeaked. I hoped that I wasn't pregnant. After all, I was 18 and a mother of three. Wouldn't it be a little much? Ashton fully supported Colton, and I'm sure he would be happier than he was mad.

I took my alone time to consider different scenes into head. Mostly good, they made me feel better. Ashton would be there for me for anything, and if he wasn't... I sighed deeply and walked over to where his car had pulled up. He gave me a big hug and opened he door for me. We headed off to another temporary, expensive house where Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton were staying. I fidgeted in my seat, not sure if I should tell him.

"I-I think I might be," I started, "um, pregnant..." I looked for a reaction from Ashton, but he just stared at the road. I began to worry. Finally, he broke the silence.

"You know I'll be there for you no matter what!" He said happily. Then, he gave me his classic smile that always warmed my heart. Maybe being pregnant again wouldn't be so hard!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2014 ⏰

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