Chapter 17

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Day after day, Ashton visited. We managed to keep our secret meetings private from Greyson, knowing that he would beat somebody up if he ever found out. Yeah, he was pretty protective of me like that. He'd seen me in pain from Ashton before and was not going to watch that happen again. On this particular Sunday morning, Greyson was at the gym. Ashton was just stopping in quickly to say hi and keep me company. Trust me, I did not like sneaking around like this even if we were just friends. As much as I enjoyed living with Greyson, I couldn't wait until I could afford a house of my own!

"Hey, Ash!" I said as I let Ashton through the door.

"Hey babe." I shot him a warning glance. "What? Just like the old times!" He sat down in the kitchen as I prepared coffee for him, hot chocolate for me, and muffins for us to share.

"Yeah, let's not go there." I sighed.

"Eh, right." He mumbled.

"Anyway, how's the band?" I asked. He had to keep me updated on stuff like this; So many exciting things happened!

"Great! Actually, I was going to ask you if you wanted to come see our show in LA on Saturday night. I figured since you haven't heard us in a while, now's the perfect time!"

"I would love to! But wait... I can't." I sighed heavily.

"Are you busy? That's alright. We're doing two shows. Either one is fine." He said, avoiding the answer 'no' at all costs. It's not like I wanted to say no. It was actually a huge let down. But I wouldn't be allowed to.

"No, it's not that. Any time, any day, anywhere and I'll be there. My problem is Greyson. I can't get out of the house without being penetrated with questions." I sighed and stared out the window.

"Well, we can think of something!" We put our minds together and brainstormed for a while. Ashton did most of the work, however.

In the end, we came up with the perfect solution. I was to say I was going down to Los Angeles for a girl's night with an old friend because we seriously needed to catch up. Then, Eleanor would pick me up and we would go down to the arena. We would both get to see the show (her because of her long time boyfriend, Louis) and then she would bring me back. That way I wouldn't be lying at all to Greyson. I just had to keep the story thin and simple. It was a girl's night in LA with Eleanor!

After Ashton held baby Colton for a while, he had to leave for a meeting.

"I'll call you later!" He promised.

"Ok! And I'll check with Greyson." I promised. Then, Ash left and within a few more minutes, my housemate returned.

"Well, you look rather cheery!" He said, first thing. Was it really that obvious? I worried.

"Actually, Eleanor just called. She was wondering if I could go with her for a girl's night out in LA on Saturday." I said, following my mental script.

"Alright." He said. "Wait, who's she? I don't recall hearing about her much."

"She's just an old friend. Trust me, everything will be fine." That's the one things wrong with my story, the one lie. Everything was not going to be fine. Just think about it. What's wrong with this situation? Two friends with a history of love. One loves the other and the other can't think straight. Nothing will ever go right!

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