Chapter 1

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"Excuse me, sir. Would you happen to know where the closest restroom is?" I asked the friendliest-looking stranger I could find. He looked at me, confused. Of course. He was Asian, and didn't even know English. No wonder my life is so frustrating. I can't even find an American in freaking AMERICAN Airlines! I huffed loudly and ushered the two little people at my sides towards what looked like a staff member.

"Um, hello? Is there any way I can find the bathrooms?" The heavily obese dark-skinned lady looked at me disapprovingly and stuck her finger sharply to the left like an army general. I didn't even bother to say thanks as I stalked down the busy hall.

The ceiling was made of glass, however no light came through. It was three in the morning and here I was in a new place with whinny little twins whom I couldn't even carry at the same time. It didn't help that I was only eighteen and had never been in an airport.

I struggled to keep my babies in line as we entered the bathroom labeled 'FAMILY'. To my relief, it wasn't a stall bathroom so I was free to set down our small luggage and lay down without worrying about the twins running off.

My name is La'Rae Madeline Flynn, or just Rae. I'm 17 and broke, living on my own since I was practically fourteen. I used to have a brother, but that all changed when I got knocked up at fourteen and he declared us no longer siblings, through slurred phrases. I ran away from home, staying at a shelter from my eighth month of pregnancy until my babies were a year old. My little girl is Kendra Felicity Emersyn and my boy is Ryan James Emory. Just like any other teen mom, I would give anything for my twins! They mean everything to me, even if it may have happened a little unexpectedly (or a lot). I had just moved from Philadelphia to California literally, like, last night.

I slid down heavily to the cool tile floor, and Kenny sat next to me.

"What's wrong with them?" She exclaimed, frustrated.

"What do you mean?" I said, fighting back laughter as I stared at her chubby, red cheeks.

"They're sh*t, mommy!" She said, leaping up in annoyance.

"Kendra Felicity Emersyn! We do not talk like that sweetie!" I said. Her expression fell and her eyes teared up. "Babe, I'm sorry. Just remember that those aren't pretty words."

"Okay, mommy." She sighed and hugged my legs as I stood up.

"Now, are we hungry?" I asked them.

"Yes!" Ryan shrieked. I laughed. With that, I lifted up Kendra, grabbed Ryan's hand, and collected our bags in the other.

Outside of the bathroom was a small line of angry mothers and fathers with crying children and babies. I gave them a small, nervous smile and quickly slumped towards the cafeteria.


After waiting in the lobby for hours, I decided it would be time to get a move on and take a cab into the city. I was planning to get to San Jose by tonight and find a hotel. Hopefully things would go smoothly after that, but I could only imagine it going downhill from here.

I shook Kenny and Ryan awake and gathered up the luggage. Reluctantly, we walked out into the streets and I flagged down a cab. The air had a chilly feel to it, even in July. Kenny and Ryan slept for the entire drive, so it was silent, but I could not bear to close my eyes. I was curious as to what I would find in California. Worst case scenarios played around in my head. Rape, illness, having no home, etc. Throughout the seven hour journey I considered everything again and again, as if thinking about it would help it go away. But even as the sky grew dark, I did not feel comfort in any way.

My hands were shaking as the taxi slowed to a stop outside of a cheap looking hotel just inside the city limits. The driver pushed us out with a rude gesture.

"Gimme my money!" He shouted.

"Okay... just a second." I rummaged through my bag for crumpled dollar bills. I stood their, pretending to know where my money was. But I could only manage $13 to pay the monstrous $42.

"C'mon, ya slut!" He called out. "I'll take the cutie if you can't pay. Maybe that'll teach you!" He threatened, motioning to Kenny who was half hidden behind my skinny, bare legs. He continued to rant.

"Alright! Here!" I tossed the money through the window, tears streaming down my face. Luckily, he sped away without counting. The way he swerved down the lane made me frantically push away scenes that could have and should have happened to us back there. I threw my head in my hands and collapsed onto the filth coated curb. People were so mean these days! Why couldn't they just be nice for once!

I sobbed louder as I brought the twins to an alleyway and hid them inside a moldy cardboard box. They were too tired to protest, even as midnight approached. I dragged myself to the painful, slick gravel of the ground. I laid my head on a torn up, outdated piece of newspaper.

This is my life.


Hey y'all pineapples!!! How do you like it? This is my first fanfiction I've written *eek* and it would mean a lot for you to vote/comment/fan etc so yeah...

I've already written up to chapter 30 so don't worry I'm going to finish this!





I love you!

~ AshRae xx

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