Chapter 9

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"We need to go shopping, RaeRae!" Calum wined. Why did these boys depend on me for everything? Wasn't I the one who lived out of civilization for five years?!

"You know how I hate shopping, Cal!" I said sternly. It had been two weeks since I'd been living with 5 Seconds of Summer. I guess it was just one of those things that clicked instantly, like a key in a lock. If you get the right key, one swift turn and you've opened a new door. I was incredibly happy here, and so were Kenny and Ryan. The boys loved them, probably because they were truly children inside. Especially Calum, he sure was wild!

"I knooooow, RaeRae! But we have no fooooood!" He cried. Oh boy.

"Ugh. Fine, but you're driving." I said. He looked at me guiltily.

"Um, actually, I kinda-sorta got my license taken away last week..."

"Oh Calum. What are we ever going to do with you?" I laughed.

"Why don't we just being the O' Mighty Adult?" He suggested. I looked at him, confused. Nobody here was an adult... "ASHTON! TAKE US SHOPPING!" Ohhh!

We all piled into Ashton's car. Ryan had decided to tag along, too. He loved the new concept of shopping. I had never taken him out to the store before, since we had no money and nowhere to put things. Now that this world famous boy band popped into my life, shopping is like a daily necessity.

"IT'S FRIDAY FRIDAY GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIIIIDAYYY!" Calum screamed along to Rebecca Black on the radio. I ignored his obnoxious, out of tune screeching and asked myself just how did he make it into a band?

"So, when are you and Ashton coming public?" He said, once a commercial came on and he calmed down a bit. I realized that I hadn't even thought about that. It hasn't occurred to me that celebrities don't just do things. They have to announce them and make it official.

"Probably near the end of the week, if all's well!" Ashton chirped, winking at me in the car mirror. I blushed and smiled happily.


"Chocolate or Vanilla?" I asked Ashton as we reached the ice cream isle. I was focusing on picking out food items while Ashton entertained Ryan. It was so cute, seeing them together. Ashton was attempting to balance Ry on his hips but it wasn't working out. Ashton opened his mouth to answer, but was cut of by a shrill scream of a girl.


"IS THAT HIS KID?" Another one shrieked.

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T, GIRL! DON'T BE TAKIN MY MAN!" The first girl yelled. I'm pretty sure that one was aimed at me. I looked over to see two girls standing frozen behind a full cart, just a few yards from us.

"Shit..." Ashton cursed under his breath. "RUN!" I ditched the cart and did what he said. We zigzagged through a few aisles, being chased by the obnoxious fangirls. I found Calum picking out cookies and bobbing his head to the classical music being played on the loud speaker. I yanked his arm and told him to follow us.

We safely made it into the car, unharmed although there were now about ten girls chasing us. I was surprised to see how young they were, some of them only about 12 or 13.

"Start the car!" Calum shrieked.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Ashton yelled frantically. Finally the car was safely back onto the road. Ryan looked very confused.

"Hey, at least I made it out of there with a pineapple!" Calum cracked a smile, holding up his pointy friend.

"YAY!!!! PINEAPPLE!!" I laughed at Ashton's loud remark. I had survived my first fangirl attack!


"Uh-oh..." Luke said, frowning at his phone. He nudged Michael and showed him whatever was on the tiny screen.

"Oohh..." Michael agreed.

"What is it?" Ashton asked through a mouthful of chips. Calum had called up a friend to get us groceries after our failed shopping attempt. Luke motioned Ash to come and see it. At this point, I wasn't concerned. I was content where I was, playing with Kendra.

"Uh..." Ashton said. "Whoah.." He pointed at the screen and chuckled. "Fangirls these days!"

"We better do something, ya know, before management calls." Michael piped up.

"Yeah, you're ri-" At that exact moment, Luke was cut off by Ashton's phone ringing. Ashton hit a few buttons to put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Ashton said.

"Hi... is there something you want to tell me?" A male's voice spoke.

"Nope. Uh well, one thing, I mean. I have a girlfriend?" He sounded a little nervous. What, nervous to tell the world he was dating me?



"You have a child?!" The voice for louder. It must've been their boss or whatever.

"No, not mine. It's hers."

"Ah, I see. I would like to have a chat with this... girlfriend of yours. How about 3 PM? And bring the boys and the child." There was a click and the call ended.

"Well then, I guess we'll be meeting him at 3!" Ashton announced, stating the obvious.

"About what exactly...?" I asked, still trying to make sense of what had happened.

"He just needs to know who you are, basically. It's sort of like he needs to approve of who we date. But nothing will go wrong. I swear. He'll love you!" Ashton reassured me. Apparently, I still looked nervous even though I was pretty much fine because he leaned in and kissed me.

"I'll be there for you, no matter what." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. "I love you, Rae."

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