Chapter 3

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The boys lead me to a fancy car and Calum opened the door for me. Luke called shotgun and Ashton was driving. Michael, blue haired boy, and Calum sat beside me and the twins. Kendra clung to my chest and shut her eyes, while Ryan sat on the floor and looked around anxiously.

"What's your name, little guy?" Calum asked in a silly voice.

"I'm Ryan!" He giggled. Ryan was very outgoing for a three year old, and loved to meet new people. My little Kendra was just the opposite.

"Well then, Ryan, we're going to have a lot of fun together!" Calum exclaimed. I smiled as Ryan did. It was a beautiful thing for a mother to see their child smile, especially in a time of struggle.

"And you there, what's your name?" He asked Kendra.

"K-Kendra." She replied softly, peeking through my shield of black hair.

"Kendra, Kendra, Kendra!" Michael sang. Kendra giggled loudly and brought herself to fully face the boys. For the rest of the car ride, all of us chatted and sang to the radio and told jokes. I came to discover that all the boys were 17 except for Ashton, he was 19. The four of them were in a band called 5 Seconds of summer, which was weird because I had heard about them before! Calum explained that they were on tour with, none other than ONE DIRECTION! This made me fangirl, and they had just laughed and promised I could meet them.

"So, you never told me. Where are you guys from?" I asked politely. I had never thought to ask, and I couldn't quite place the familiar accent.

"Aye, we Aussie's, mate!" Luke screeched. "And I have a question for YOU. Who are the little bugs?" At first, I didn't quite get what he meant. He already knew the twin's names. Then it clicked in. I quickly scrambled for a lie.

"Erm, they're just... just my siblings." I said, hopefully too quiet for Kendra or sleeping Ryan to hear. I knew they would correct me. As it is, at some point they ought to call me by my worn out nickname, 'mommy'.

"Ah, I've got some of those back home! Rascally little things!" Ashton laughed. So did I.

After nearly an hour of nonstop chatter, we arrived in front of a huge, glamorous mansion.

"THIS IS YOUR HOUSE?" I screamed.

"Well, temporarily. We arrived here last night and are only staying for about a month while the tour's on break." Michael answered, casually.

"Right..." I replied nervously. It had been ages since I'd been inside a clean building, let alone a mansion! Luke grabbed our small amount of luggage and I held the toddlers' hands. I thought walking up those sparkling steps, surrounded by lush flowers, was enough luxury. Boy was I wrong. As soon as I stepped in the door, I gasped.


"Well, I'm getting pretty tired. What about you boys- people?" Luke corrected himself. Calum yawned loudly and Michael was practically falling asleep in Ashton's lap.

"Get off of me, you big douche bag!" Ashton laughed as he shook Michael off. Michael groaned and rolled onto the floor, face down. I pulled myself off of the couch and stretched my arms. It was nearly four in the morning, and we were all exhausted. 'We', meaning me, Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael. We had stayed up playing games like truth or dare and would you rather, nothing bad of course since not one of us was actually legal. I'd say we're all pretty good friends by now! I felt so happy, I was ready to fly to a land of rainbows and unicorns - not quite literally, however. But still, nobody had taken me in and made me feel this way since nearly five years ago, back when my parents were still alive.

"We need sleeping arrangements," Calum announced.

"Didn't you guys sleep here last night?" I asked.

"Yes, but that's not what I meant." He said. "We need to figure out where YOU are sleeping. That is, you, Kenny and Ryan." I shook my head.

"We'll be fine on the couch. I don't want to be a burden. Actually, I should probably be on my way." I huffed, only trying to be polite. Truly, I wanted to stay here forever and ever with my new found friends.

"Nope." Ashton said.

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"That's not going to happen. You saw what you almost got into this morning. And the kids, sleeping in a cardboard box. Really? Do you think that's OK?" He said, angry now.

"Well it's been that way since I was fifteen. I think I can take care of myself." I exclaimed.

"NO! You will stay in this house, with me. Your situation - its worse than you think. Obviously, if you think living that way is alright, you're wrong." Ashton was now in front of me, towering over me like a monster. Truthfully, I was scared. He had this look on his face that reminded me of my brother the night before I left, and I decided that this time I was going to obey. I was too frightened that he might come back for me. I remained silent, not knowing what to say. Tears stung at the back of my eyes, so I squeezed them shut. If he was seriously going to stand there and tell me how to raise my kids, I would leave. I could feel his hot breath on my forehead.

"Um, so. Sleeping arrangements, right?" Luke squeaked. I felt Ashton move away from me and my tense body calmed down. I opened my eyes and squinted through the blurry tears.

"Yeah... how about Kendra and Ryan sleep in the guest room, like they are now, and La'Rae, you'll have to sleep with-" Calum began.

"Me." Ashton finished sternly.

I had to admit, Ashton had seemed very dashing up until his outburst. Now I was flat out frightened by him. And now I was supposed to sleep in the same bed as him? Too bad for me, the other boys seemed a little scared too. Scared enough that it would keep them from arguing with him.


I was stalling in the twins room, saying goodnight to them. I kissed Ryan lightly on the forehead and did the same with Kendra. I stared at them, sleeping so peacefully. They were so naïve, oblivious to the cruel world around them.

Kendra was a replica of me. She had my wavy black hair and blue eyes. Her face was round and chubby, though she would soon grow out of that and mature. Her body was tiny, even for a three year old. Ryan, on the other hand, had straight brown hair. He still had my blue eyes. He was a little bit bigger than Kendra, but with so much malnutrition in their young lives, they were surely weak.

Deciding it was time to face my fears, I left the room. I was wearing a 5SOS tee shirt and some oversized sweatpants, all courtesy of Luke and his silly ways. He had said that soon they were going to take me shopping, boy would they be shocked to see the monster inside of me!

When I crept down the hall to Ashton's room, I hesitated at the door. I could still leave. Still run far away from here an never look back. I would come back for Kendra and Ryan later, but for now I just had to get out of here. I stared down the long hallway, doing the math in my head to figure out when Ashton would notice and where he would catch up with me. I chose to ignore those thoughts and instead wing it. Before I could move, I felt big, warm hands creep around my waist and turn me around. I was frozen as I stared into those beautiful brown eyes in awe.

"Like what you see, aye?" Ashton smirked. I squirmed but couldn't get out of his grasp. "Let's go have some fun." His words sent a chill down my spine. Those were the words if heard over and over, too many times in my life. Although I really doubted that Ashton would kill me or rape me, those words said it all.

He picked me up, flicked off the lights and threw me into bed. Then he leaped on top of me.

This was going to be a long night.


Hey y'all pineapples it's AshRae! Voilà!

Erm so yeah... tell me what you think so far! I might be posting a lot today Irdk

What's your favorite band? Comment below:

Love you!

~ AshRae xx

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