Chapter 10

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a red blouse, white skinny jeans and red heels. I had on just a bit of makeup and my hair was straightened, falling down to the midpoint of my back. I hoped it would do. Ashton had told me to dress nice for, erm, well the guy on the phone. 'Mister-Sir-Doctor-Boss-Man' as I liked to call him.

"Hurry up, Rae!" Luke called from the hallway. Gosh, didn't they have sisters? Although I was new at this whole outfit thing, I was getting the hang of it. Luckily, me and Eleanor Calder had become good friends and she inspired some of my fashion. I headed downstairs where everyone was waiting. Kendra matched me with a cute little red tank top, white leggings and red flats, while Ryan and all of the boys wore jeans and tee shirts. It really wasn't fair.

"You look beautiful, baby." Ashon said, taking my hand and leading me out to the car. Everyone piled in and as always, Ashton drove. The ride was short and all too soon we were in front of a very elegant building.

"Here it is!" Ashton announced. I took a deep breath as the nerves began to kick in. What if he didn't like me? What if he called me a whore, or wanted to create a new image for me?

Inside, the building was even nicer than the outside, if it was possible. The ceilings were high, and there was a chandelier over the shiny, large receptionists desk. Luke mumbled something to the posh lady and she nodded, allowing us to pass.

"Calm down." Ashton whispered, rubbing my back. I immediately softened up. I noticed Luke, Calum and Michael enter the room just ahead of us. I slowed down, going on my tiptoes to kiss Ashton once more for now. Even in heels, he was by far taller than me! I leaned away and felt ready to go meet this guy.

The large office had a very professional aura to it. There were awards and trophies on a black and white shelf taking up the entire right wall. On the left was a black leather couch facing an occupied black desk. Surprisingly, he seemed to be very friendly. He greeted us with a warm smile. I took a seat next to Ashton, pulling Kendra and Ryan up onto my lap.

"Hello, my name is Matt Emsell. I'm the manager of 5 Seconds of Summer. And you must be La'Rae Flynn!" He exclaimed happily.

"Please, just call me Rae." I corrected him.

"Ok, Rae, we just need to go over a few things. No need to worry. First of all, you child. Or, children."

"Yes. This is Kendra and Ryan."

"Are they in any relation to Ashton?"

"No." I replied, awkwardly.

"And, I'm sorry I must ask, how old were you when you had them?" Everyone turned to look at me, suddeny making me feel guilty.

"15." I whispered. "I was, um, raped."

"Alright." Matt said, sounding very understanding. The room fell deadly silent.

"Well, it looks like I might be seeing you around! That's all I needed to know, and now you're free to announce it to the world!" He said, trying to lighten up the mood. We all said our thank you's and goodbye's and went home.

Ashton was very excited for us to announce it to Keek, Twitter and Instagram. We took a cute picture together, then Ashton posted it with a caption explaining how we were dating and all that.

"You know what, Rae?" Ashton asked me.


"I love you!" I grinned at his comment.

"But I love you more!"

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