Chapter 19

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"Wow..." I breathed. "I don't know what to say!" Ashton gave me a pleading look like a little kid. I honestly didn't know what to say. In the end, I knew that deep down inside I loved him. What could go wrong with my messed up life? "Yes!"

"Yay!" He exclaimed giving me a big bear hug. He was so strong that he knocked the breath out of me and crushed me.

"Erm... can't breath.... Ashton!"

"Oh! Sorry..." He said, fidgeting. I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't believe that we were officially back together. What would Greyson say?!

"Ash... what will we tell Greyson?" I asked nervously.

"Babe, you're not going to let him make all of the decisions in your life, are you?" He asked me, seriously.

"No." I sighed. Still, Greyson meant a lot to me and I wanted him to be happy no matter what. I also knew that this choice made me happy.

"How about we leave. Just get out of here for a week or so. Let's be unpredictable." He winked as he quoted his song.

"Yes!" I grinned.

"Alrighty then,"

"Allons-y, Alonzo!" Yes, too much Doctor Who watching for me.


I didn't stop to think for a second that anything about this situation was wrong. My heart had finally opened up and I listened to it. I was in love. And I had been for the past year. Sure, I was completely torn to pieces by Ashton from what happened last summer. But that was because I still loved him and I thought he didn't love me back. It turns out, he did. And that's just how we ended up, a couple, on a private beach on the southern coast of California.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Ashton greeted me as he poked his head into the fully sunlit room. I rubbed my eyes groggily and stretches my arms. He laughed. We had been at the beach house for just over a week now and everything was perfect.

"Oh! Right... good morning!" I said sleepily.

"You still tired, love?" He asked, concerned.

"Hungry." I said.

"Well then I guess you'll just have to come out here and make something. Oh, and while you're at it, make me something?" He pleaded. I sighed and slid out of bed, sore for some reason. That's when I looked down and realized I was naked. I stared up at Ashton to him smirking.

"Did we...?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, love. Remember? You wanted it!" He said happily.

"What- oooh!" I said, suddenly remembering the hazy night. I blushed and quickly slid into shorts and a baggy tee shirt. The fact that I had just been pregnant four months ago kind of slipped my mind right then. I wasn't worried. I practically flew down the hallway I was so happy. I don't know what it was about Ashton, but when I was with him now my world was completely intriguing. I couldn't put the feeling into words. I walked over and kissed Ashton, then skipped over to the cupboards and pulled out syrup, butter, and pancake mix. As I began making our breakfast, he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.

As another week passed, I knew it was definitely the best two weeks of my life! Possibly even better than the month I'd spent with the band last summer. And that's saying something about this boy who I'd barely known for a year! But I knew one thing in my heart:

I loved him.

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