Chapter 12

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"We're going to a concert, we're going to a concert!" Kendra sang. I'm not even sure she knows what that is, but she seemed pretty physiqued for tonight! Yep, that's right. Tonight, the boys were continuing their tour with One Direction. We were getting front row tickets to go see them, of course! There was going to be a party afterwards, which Lou Teasdale, the famous stylist, offered to bring the twins and her own daughter Lux to a babysitter for.

We had to leave early in the morning so the boys could help set up the stage, so that's why it was only 8 AM. I had picked out a cute outfit to wear for tonight: It was a cute little rose-pink dress with a white sweater and brown leather boots. Kendra was going to wear her new pink and blue dress she's gotten earlier this month with a pair of white flats.

As I tied my hair into a quick bun, I couldn't help but wonder where all the time had gone. It had already been a month here with Ashton and his crew. I guess that's a good thing, in some ways. It means that we had a ton of fun, probably more than allowed for a girl who got herself knocked up at 15!

I headed down the stairs, skipping all the way out to the car where Ashton was waiting with Kendra and Ryan.

"All set?" Ashton asked.

"Yup! I can't wait for tonight!" This was the highest I'd felt in years. It seemed like my life had an actual purpose. There was Ashton and his band, and of course my twins.

"Me too!" Ryan and Kendra cried out. Sometimes they could be so cute and simultaneous like that.


"Good luck, babe!" I said as I kissed Ashton on the cheek. He grinned and hugged my tight.

"I'll see you later!" He promised, and then followed his bandmates onto the stage. Me and the twins were lead down to where we were going to watch the concert. Luckily, we hadn't missed too much.

"This song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend, Rae. I don't know what I would do without you!" Ashton said, looking directly at me. The crowd immediatley burst out in cheers. I guess this was a whole new side of the fandom! Calum strummed a few chords and the music began.

The concert lasted for a few joyful hours and all the time I was smiling and singing along. Even Kenny and Ryan enjoyed it! After it ended, the arena was crazy! A few girls fainted here and there, causing screams as they thought she had died, and parents were dragging their kids out, disapproving of the late hour. But for some of us, it wasn't over. Little did I know that this night and the next would change my life completely.

A security guard came and retrieved us, and once we were back stage I caught up with Lou.

"Hey Lou!"

"Hey Rae! Did you like the show?"

"Yes! It was amazing! I loved it!" I beamed. I couldn't really put how I felt at this moment into words.

"I think Ash is waiting for you in the dressing rooms!" She said as I passed her the twins and we said our goodbyes. Back stage was like a maze after a concert. It was huge and full of doors and hallways. If you add in the tens and hundreds of people rushing around, it's very easy to get lost in! I saw Niall wandering around and decided to ask for directions.

"Hey Nialler!" I greeted him.

"Oh, hey Rae! Woah, that rymed!" He exclaimed. I couldn't help but fall in love with his accent! Irish accents had always been one of my favorites.

"Yeah, that's not the first time I've heard that one!" Honestly, I was sick of that but with his accent is made it sound brand new. "Could you show me where the dressing rooms are? I need to find Ashton."

"Yeah, sure. Anything for you, princess." He winked. Surprisingly, we weren't far from my destination! We had reached a door with a sign reading '5SOS'. I grinned and knocked on the door. I wasn't thrilled about the idea of walking in on someone naked!

"Come in!" I heard Luke yell. Niall reached out and opened the door for me, politely. All of them were shirtless, wearing only sweatpants. They were lounging on a huge couch, half asleep.

"Hey, babe." Ashton said, but frowned when he saw Niall.

"Hey! Niall was just showing me where to go. This place is huge!" I exclaimed, walking towards him. He laughed and then kissed me.

"Alright. Soo...?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh my gosh, you guys were amazing! I loved it so much! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed. He simply chuckled. I brushed it off. After all of the boys had changed into skinny jeans and tee shirts, we got into a limo that was going to take us to the party. Ashton and I walked in holding hands. There was loud music and lots of people. The two essential things for a great party! And don't forget food. There was a ton of it! Not to mention a lot of beer.

We danced and talked to nearly everyone in the room. All I know is that we both got pretty wasted, and after that everything was a blur.


I woke up in bed in the darkness. I rubbed my eyes but the nagging pain in the back of my head wouldn't go away. I shifted my bare body underneath the warm sheets and found that my entire body was very sore. What happened last night? I asked myself. I was about to come to realization when I blacked out, once again.

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