*Fireworks [2]

Começar do início

I just wanted to look nice for tonight. I'm going to ask him out. She remembered telling Miranda.

"But Katie, what if he was going to ask you out? Katie scoffed. "You shouldn't listen to rumors Miranda, they are almost never true." Miranda looked discouraged for a moment but then a smile came to her face. "Almost" Miranda whispered, "Almost".
About thirty minutes later, Katie was ready to leave and head to the beach when she heard a voice.

"Do I look that bad without a shirt on that you had to leave?" Travis asked, sitting himself up on his elbows.

Katie gasped, her cheeks were as red as the most ripest strawberry ever.

"No I just- I-I wanted to go to the fireworks and you weren't waking up so... Yeah."

Travis chuckled. "Glad to know that I make you nervous." Katie just got redder.

How was I going to ask him out if I can't even hold the conversation now?

Just as Katie was going to say something, Travis started to look pale.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Katie questioned, rushing to Travis's side.

"Uh, I'm fine. Yep. Fine. Actually," he paused, "I'm not." Travis looked at his feet. Travis took a deep breath.

"So um, I'm in here for an exploding firework, which you probably thought was a prank, at least that's what everyone thought."
Travis turned even more pale, "but really I wanted to use the fireworks to ask you out."

Wait what? Katie thought.

"Um, I knew it was unlikely but I wanted to take a chance and I thought it would be the perfect way but then again it might've been too much and— uh, why are you giggling?"

Katie stopped. "Well, I was going to ask you out on a date tonight too"

Travis's eyes lit up. "No way! So I'm guessing it's a yes, from both of us?"

Katie shrugged her shoulders. "Well..."

Travis just rolled his eyes. "Yeah right Katie Kat. Let's go watch the fireworks."

"Alright Travis."

And it was one of the best fireworks display that the two had seen since they started camp.
Despite Miranda and Nyssa's teasing once they got to the beach.


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Happy 4th of July guys! It's been 1 year since I wrote my other 4th of July one shot!!! :)) yay!

But I'm sorry if this is bad. Like really, I was working on another one shot but I was like, "hey, why not write another one shot about the 4th?¿" so yeah...

 Like really, I was working on another one shot but I was like, "hey, why not write another one shot about the 4th?¿" so yeah

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Oh and this was posted by one of my fav tumblr blogs today😂😂 (slightly crying from laughing)

But yeah, if you have any requests I'll take and write them! (I promise, it just might take awhile).

Stay safe and stay groovy,

Tratie imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora