Chapter 36

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"Hey there sleeping beauty," Bella heard once her eyes fluttered open.

"Scott?"  focusing on the figure in front of her. "How long was I sleeping?" Giving the room a once over noticing Liam to be nowhere in sight.

"I don't know? I've only been gone just over an hour and a half, so not long I guess," he shrugged. "How's the hangover?"

"Not as bad as this morning," she answered.

"And, how are you?" he asked slowly with a hint of concern.

"I'm fine," she smiled, knowing it wasn't the entire truth. 

"You hungry?" he asked a few moments later.

"I'm starving!", realising she hadn't eaten all day!

"Good," he smiled, bringing a bag from beside him up on his lap.

"I brought some pizza and extra cheesy bread. Plus, I got some popcorn and tater tots. I also picked up Bridget Jones's Diary 1 and 2 because I know how much you love that ridicilous movie," he stated making her laugh. "Oh and I got some of those cookies you like so much and - "

Bella flung her arms around him catching him by surprise. "Thank you Scott. You're the greatest cousin in the whole world," she muttered, tightening her arms around him. 

"Back atcha," she heard him snicker, wrapping his arms around her as well.

That was one thing she could always count on with Scott, that no matter what, he would always be there for her. Just like she would be for him.

"You stay here and i'll bring everything over," he said after letting her go.

"I can help," she insisted.

"Ok here," he said tossing something over to her. "You can put in the movie."

"Fine," she grinned. "What about Liam?"

"What about him?"

"Well, he might be hungry."

"He's not here." 

"He's not?" 

"He left just as I got back," he told her, walking into the kitchen.

Did he leave because of her she wondered? If only she hadn't have broken down like that! She probably completely freaked him out.


It was the middle of the night and Bella just wanted to sleep, but of course she couldn't and she would do whatever it took not to have another nightmare again. Plus, thoughts of Liam and their kiss this morning wasn't helping! The whole time she and Scott were watching the movie she couldn't help but wonder why Liam had left? She kept looking at the door hoping for him to walk through it, but he never did. 

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