Chapter 22

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1 month later

Aphmaus pov
I was sitting in mine and zanes room ok the bed with zach he was laying on his back so I started tickling him and he started laughing I smiled and said "you're to adorable for your own good" I set him in my lap and said "I guarantee you get your cuteness from me" I heard zane from the bathroom say "I think not!" He came out shirtless and drying his hair I said "why do you think not" he sat down and said "because it's easy to see he got the cuteness from me" I said "how about we agree on the fact he gets cuteness from both of us!" He said "agreed" and put a shirt ok he sat next to me and zach grabbed onto his hand I smiled and said "I think he wants you" he put him in his lap and there was a knock at the door I said "come in!" Garroth came in and said "hey is it ok if laurence,and cadenza come over" I said "sure!" He nodded and left I said "should we go downstairs with everyone else" he nodded and picked up zach we went downstairs and I seen laurence and cadenza I smiled and said "hey guys!" Cadenza said "aph! Hey!" Zane handed zach to me and went over to everyone else while me and cadenza sat down she said "so how's it been being a mom" I said "exhausting but it's completely worth it" she smiled and said "can I talk to you for a minute about garroth" I nodded and said "yea sure!" She sighed and said "I like him a lot and I wanna ask him out but I'm kinda scared to" I said "why didn't you guys date at one point" she nodded and said "yea but I don't know im just scared to" I smirked and she said "aph no I know that smirk whatever you're thinking stop thinking it" i turned towards garroth and said "hey garroth! Cadenza wants to know if you'll be her boyfriend" she said "aph shut up!" I said "I'd rather not do what do you say garroth?" He blushed and said "s-sure" cadenza blushed and I said "yay love!" Zane smiled and zach started crying I frowned and said "I'll be right back" I took him to his room and put him in his crib he immediately fell asleep and zane came in he said "you know aph I was thinking maybe we should have a date night" I smiled and said "what makes you think we should" he shrugged and said "I just think it'll be a good chance for us to go out and spend some time away from everyone" I said "yea that's a good idea! When should we go" he said "tonight?" I nodded and said "ok! Where exactly are we going" he said "maybe get something to eat then decide as we go" I said "sounds great and I find it funny that even when you're married and have a child you're still awkward at planning dates" he said "I can't help it im awkward sometimes it runs in the family" I said "don't worry I think it's cute" he smiled and we kissed I heard someone say "hey guys what are yo- oh sorry!" We pulled away and looked over at laurence I sighed and said "it's fine laurence" he walked off and I said "so it's a really good idea to go on a date! No interruptions just us" he kissed my cheek and said "let's go tell our parents  and get ready" I nodded and we went downstairs we told them and went to our room and we both started getting ready for the date....

Sorry it's been a long time since I updated I've had no ideas I kinda just made this a filled so sorry! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

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