Chapter 3

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The next day

Aphmaus pov
I was sitting in my room watching YouTube when there was a knock i said "come in!" Zianna came in and said "Aph me,garroth,and vylad decided to go swimming today you wanna come?" I said "nah" she said "you do know zane will be here with you" I nodded and said "yea what's the worst that can happen? He annoys me to death?" She laughed and said "ok well if you do decide to join us were down the street at the local pool" I nodded and she left after a few minutes I heard the door downstairs slam so I knew they had left I sighed and kept watching YouTube until I got hungry so I went downstairs to see zane had the same idea I glared at him and he just kept looking for something to eat but after about 20 minutes I said "there's really nothing to eat is there" he said "no there's not" I thought and said "oh! Lets go get something!" He said "ok I'll be right here when you get back" he started walking towards the living room and I said "nope you're coming with me cause I don't know what you like!" He said "ugh fine but how are we even gonna go anywhere neither of us have license" I laughed and said "I do" i showed him and he said "how?! You're only 16!" I said "I was really good at driving so they went ahead and gave me the license now come on!" We went out to my car and got in I said "so where are we going" he said "uh Pizza Hut" I nodded and drove to Pizza Hut we got there and got a pizza we got back in the car and I set the box in his lap he said "ugh the box is hot!" I said "aw man up! I would hold it but I'm driving" he sighed and started opening the box I smacked his hand and said "wait until we got home!" We drive back home and went in I set the pizza on the table and said "let's watch a movie!" He put a movie in the DVD player he got some blankets and that's how me and my enemy ended up sitting together all throughout the night,covered up,eating pizza,and actually getting along! Around 6 am I said "shouldn't you're mom and brothers be back by now" he nodded and said "I texted them mom had to go runs some errands so garroth and vylad are stuck with boring errands ha!" I laughed and kept watching the movie I went to grab another piece of pizza but there was only one left I looked at zane and he looked at me we both reached for the slice and our hands touched I felt a zap of electricity but I just shrugged it off I looked at zane and said "rock paper scissors" he nodded and I ended up winning I got the last piece and said "do you like the crust" he nodded and I tore the crust off I gave it to him and he said "thanks" I nodded and said "no problem! To be honest zane you're not so bad when you're not being mean to me! Speaking of which why haven't we been mean to each other" he said "maybe we're just getting more used to each other" I smiled and said "maybe..." We watched a bit more do the movie until i yawned he said "looks like we're both tired" I nodded and said "and I hope you know I'm not getting up im to lazy" he laughed and said "so am I" so we both fell asleep....

Ziannas pov
"Boys were done with errands lets go back home now" garroth said "finally!" Vylad nodded and I said "hopefully zane and Aph haven't killed each other yet" they laughed and vylad said "they probably have you know how they are!"  I sighed and said "unfortunately I do" we drive home and when we went in I seen the cutest thing I've ever seen! Zane was laying on the couch and Aph was laying on top of him with her arms wrapped around him they both were sleeping and had the blanket over them I smiled and whispered to garroth "didn't expect that" garroth was shocked I said "don't wake them up let them sleep just go to you're rooms" they ran off and I seen the tv was on and there was an empty pizza box on the table I smiled and cleaned it up I turned off the tv and went to my room....

A few hours later it's now 2:44 pm

Aphmaus pov
I was woken up by somebody moving I opened my eyes and seen that I was cuddled up with...ZANE?! You would think I'd immediately get up but nah he was warm so I stayed there U too he started waking up he seen me he jumped but then remembered we fell asleep last night I laughed and said "good morning" he yawned and said "I don't think it's morning anymore" I looked at the clock and said "very true" we both say up and stretched I said "you look like you'd be cold as a rock but you're really warm" he said "thanks I think" I laughed and got up I went to the kitchen to see zianna,garroth,and vylad hopefully they didn't see me and zane cuddled up together on the couch cause they'll never let us live it down! I said "hey guys" zane came up behind me and zianna said "hey the Sleepy heads finally woke up! Here I made breakfast" she handed me and zane a plate of eggs and bacon we sat down and vylad said "so you two sleep good" i nodded and said "yea" zane said "pretty good I guess" garroth said "we seen you two all cuddled up this morning and it was-" zianna said "ADORABLE!" Me and zane both blushed and we are I said "I don't care if you seen!  Me and him drove out and got pizza then we were watching a movie and fell asleep! Hey we're actually starting to get along" zane nodded and zianna said "it's good you two are finally started to like each other! What exactly made you not be mean to each other for once" I looked at zane and he said "the love of pizza?" I laughed and he smiled I said "yes pizza is why we're not being mean to each other" everyone smiled and I put my plate in the sink I said "I'm going out for a drive anyone wanna come" at first no one said anything but zane said "sure I'll come" he put his plate in the sink and said "I'm gonna go change out of pajamas first" I nodded and we went to our rooms I changed into a black long sleeved crop top and a white skirt I put on my converse and grabbed some money I went downstairs and zane was sitting there I said "how did you change so fast?!" He shrugged and grabbed his mask he got ready to put it on but I grabbed it and put it in my pocket I said "nope no ones judging you zane! Just because you have a little scar on you're mouth it doesn't mean you have to be worried about people judging you!" He sighed and said "fine" we went to my car and I said "so where do you wanna go" he said "I don't know you choose" I smiled and said "ZOO!" He laughed and said "ok let's go"....

Awwwwwwwwwww! They are starting to not hate each other! That's always good! Haha anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee

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