Chapter 20

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Time skip! Aph is 38 weeks pregnant! Baby can come any moment!

Aphmaus pov
You know you're bored when you start walking around the house voluntarily cleaning stuff! There's literally nothing to do! Zane was sitting on the couch looking at me like I'm insane so I said "I'm not insane I swear I'm just bored" he said "so you're cleaning?" I nodded and sat down and if you were wondering yes me and zane have picked out a name for the baby his name will be.....Zachary Ro,Meave! Zach for short! Anyway zane layed down and ended up falling asleep while I watched tv until I felt a pain in my stomach I figured it was just little zach kicking but then it hurt again even worse and my water broke I looked at zane and threw a pillow at him he woke up and I said "zane get the hospital bag!" He said "wait what" I said "!" He got up and got the hospital bag he helped me to the car and we drove to the hospital when we went in I got a room and zane waited in the waiting room until the doctors called him back....

Zanes pov
So I may have panicked just a little bit after aph got a room but after I calmed down I called everyone and told them to come over when they arrived aphs dad said "how is she" I said "we just got here a few minutes ago they haven't called me back yet" he nodded and we all sat down garroth said "zane you ok? You look like you're gonna have a panic attack" I said "yea just worried" our mom said "oh don't worry! There's no need to be worried aph and the baby will be fine" just then a nurse came over and said "you zane?" I nodded and she said "ok she's requesting you in the room ASAP" I said "oh ok" I got up and went to aphs room....

Time skip

I smiled at aph holding zach he was so adorable! Black hair,blue eyes,and even though I thought he would be pale like me he was actually very tan! Aph said "he's got your eyes...icy blue" I said "heh yea...want me to let everyone in" she said "yea then im taking a nap" I nodded and went to the waiting room I smiled and said "ok come on" everyone followed me back to aphs room and when we got there cadenza ran straight over to aph she said "oh my Irene he's adorable!" Aph said "you wanna hold him" she smiled and nodded aph handed him to her and I looked at garroth he was looking at cadenza and smiling laurence said "heh garroth you're staring" he snapped out of it and blushed I laughed and went over to aph I sat next to her and cadenza handed zach to me I said "in case you were wondering his name is Zachary Ro,Meave Zach for short" aph yawned and I said "go onto sleep ok" she nodded and was out like a light! I smiled and a nurse came in she seen everyone and said "wow you got the whole family in here! I hate to break this up but we have to take..." I said "zach" she smiled and said "we have to take zach to the baby ward while the mother rests" I nodded and handed her zach she left and katelyn said "I gotta admit zach is probably the cutest baby I've ever seen" I smiled and we all talked for a few more hours until everyone left so I sat down in one of the chairs and fell asleep...

Baby! Yaaaay! So zach is here! Everyone's happy but what if parenting isn't what zane and aph thought it would be?! Hehe anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

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