(Edited) Chapter 32 & 33

Start from the beginning

"Well, of course I told him to get his shit together, to stop messing up with my mind. But no, I didn't give him an ultimatum or whatever. So I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If he stopped talking to you that was his decision."

Her words are like a slap to my face.

I think the hurt and confusion I feel is obvious on my face because she looks at me sympathetically. "Look," she begins softly. "I think you should talk to him, okay?"

I nod silently and then rush out of there.


I don't talk to him about it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

So I don't ask Aiden why he decided to stop talking to me; or why he still hasn't told me that he and Hailey broke up.

Logic points towards this: Aiden initially didn't want anything to do with me which is why he ended our friendship. He lied that Hailey forced him to end things, to make it easier. But then he and Hailey broke up, and he suddenly wanted to be a part of my life again. Why? Because...he was bored. What else could it be?

But I really shouldn't assume anything.

I swallow my doubts, my insecurities, my fear. Some things are best left unsaid. I could ask him everything, but would I be able to handle the answers?


Chapter 33


Winter passes in a blur. Surprisingly, William and I continue to date for the next few months. I hadn't been sure we'd last that long. Initially, it had really been a struggle. I kept thinking I was lying to myself, to everyone. I was with one person, but my heart was with another.

I got over that mindset though. I eventually relaxed into what William and I had. I stopped comparing him to Aiden. I just focused on him. So what if it didn't feel the same when we kissed, or when we held hands? It's not bad, it's just different. Being with him is different. We talk about different things and he gets me in a way Aiden probably wouldn't. We talk about deep concepts, have occasional heart-to-hearts. We're both poetic souls.

Aiden and I? We're still friends. I've started seeing a lot less of him though. It's just something I had to do. I needed that space. If I didn't do it, I'd never be able to get over him.

Am I over him though? Not really. But it doesn't seem so hopeless now. I know that if I try, if I really try, I'll be able to get him out of my heart. And that's what I need to do.

So yes, there has been an improvement. I might just be on the righteous path of moving on. Sure, I still can't help smiling when Aiden's around and every once in a while I get butterflies, but my heart doesn't race anymore whenever I think of him. Actually, I don't think of him, period. Hours pass without even one Aiden-related thought entering my mind. That's a big achievement in itself.

February's here now, and we have our Valentine's Day dance in a couple of hours. I've gone ahead and brought a beautiful floor length red gown with a plunging neckline, and red heels to match it. I've also seen about hundreds of hair and makeup tutorials on YouTube. My girl friends and I are currently in my bedroom, getting ready together for the event.

Sandra is perched in front of the vanity mirror, touching up her make-up. A beautiful black strapless gown adorns her body. Her lustrous brown hair is styled into a sophisticated up-do. If there's one thing I'm jealous of Sandra's it is her hair. It has just the right texture and shine to make it look perfect.

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