Scaredy Cat - Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader

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[A/N: I know it's a little too early for Halloween but this idea just popped into my head and I thought it could be a good idea for a Tetsu imagine. So enjoy the shitty spookiness that is about to arrive :D ]

f.t. Kagami Taiga, Aida Riko, Hyūga Junpei, Izuki Shun and Kiyoshi Teppei

Halloween. One of your most hated holidays of the year. It wasn't that you got annoyed by it, you were actually terrified by it. You hated seeing people walking around in this scary ass costumes and disgusting face paint and the spooky music playing in the background just scared the living daylights out of you. It all started when you were 7. You loved Halloween and always enjoyed going trick-or-treating in your neighbourhood. One day, while trick-or-treating, you spotted this house which was very beautifully decorated and you were certain that you would get loads of candy if you went up there. And so you rang the doorbell and waited but no one came. Suddenly the door creaked open, and there stood a huge lady with her hair all over the place, her face all bloody and disfigured, her clothes ripped with blood staining them, and her hand was reaching out towards you.

You screamed and dropped your bag full of candy and ran for your dear life. You swore that you would never go trick-or-treating again, and you hated Halloween ever since that day. As for the lady, well, she wasn't real. It was a prop made by this stupid teenage guy which was an ass and he didn't like kids and had fun scaring them. But karma got him back because the huge prop fell on him after you ran away and he had a hard time getting it off him.

You studied at Seirin High School and you were really happy there until the day when they told you that they were celebrating Halloween and everyone had to come dressed. As for you, you planned to skip school that day and stay at home but your mother forced you in a vampire costume with fake fangs and shoved you out of the house. You have an awesome mom 👍. You cautiously walked through the hallways which was now decorated with Halloween items and it was dark because the school wanted to blend in with the Halloween mood. Everyone was chattering to one another with really realistic outfits. You didn't see where you were going when suddenly you bumped into a tall figure making you gasp.

"[L/N]-san? You came? I thought you were skipping school?", Kagami asked.

You sighed in relief, "Oh thank god it's you. Kagami-kun I was forced. I hate Halloween, everything creeps me out. I'm so scared that I could piss my pants"

Kagami smiled, "Just stick by me and everything will be fine. Nothing here is real, they're just the ordinary students at our school. They're serving food in the auditorium, wanna go get some?"

"You'll eat everything", you said.

"You can't blame me, I'm growing up!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's go then. Thanks by the way"

"No problem", he said grinning. 

The both of you walked to the auditorium and you were greeted with more scary faces and weird looking guests. One thing you looked forward to was the food, because food is life. So you walked over to the table only to find that the food was scary and it looked inedible. There were human eyeballs on a stick, some green goop in a bowl, cupcakes with hair on them, apples that were dipped in really red liquid coated with fingernails, kami, everything was disgusting. You pouted when you saw nothing appetizing and Kagami noticed.

"You're even creeped out by the food?", he teased.

"Well it's not my fault they put fucking fingernails on apples!"

"[L/N], they're all made of everyday food, they're just made to look like that. You see those eyeballs? It's actually chocolate dough dipped in white chocolate and decorated in icing. That green goop, it's jelly. The cupcakes don't really have hair on them, it's cotton candy coloured black. And the apples are just dipped in food colouring, plus the nails are just white chocolate shavings", Kagami said.

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